1900 |
- Beiersdorf patents Eucerit an emulsifying agent made from lanolin; introduces Pebeco toothpaste packaged in tin tubes.
- New Products:
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry perfume, sachet and toilet water.
1901 |
- Three department stores agree to sell Daggett & Ramsdell’s Perfect Cold Cream.
- New Products:
Cassebeer Pharmacal: Crême Elcaya; and Elcaya Witch Hazel Cream.
Pompeian: Pompeian Massage Cream.
1902 |
- New Products:
Daggett & Ramsdell: Perfect Cold Cream Soap.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Face Powder; Marvelous Cold Cream; and Perfecto Cold Cream.
1903 |
- Charles Nessler begins selling artificial eyebrows and eyelashes in London.
- R. W. Moore patents a spray dispenser for perfume.
- United Drug Company begins production of Rexall proprietary medicines.
- New Products:
Hans Schwarzkopf: Powder shampoo.
Richard Hudnut: Nailustre.
Rose Laird: Solvo.
1904 |
- New Products:
Bonetti Frères: Diadermine skin cream.
Colgate: Ribbon Dental Cream.
Guerlain: Crème Secret de Bonne Femme.
Pond’s Extract: Pond’s Extract Vanishing Cream.
1905 |
- Dr. Ernst Kromayer develops the first modern form of dermabrasion.
- Coty products first sold in the United States.
- First permanent wave introduced by Charles Nessler in London.
- Marinello Training Schools founded by Ruth D. Maurer in Chicago.
- New Products:
Beiersdorf: Nivea Soap.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Perfect Cold Cream Shaving Stick.
Helena Rubinstein: Special Blackhead and Open Pore Cure; Comtesse Potocka’s Creme Promenade; and Voskpasta.
Pond’s Extract: Pond’s Extract Cold Cream.
1906 |
- The American Medical Association (AMA) establishes its own Chemical Laboratory and creates a Propaganda Department, renamed the Bureau of Investigation in 1925.
- Pure Food and Drugs Act (USA) passed.
- ‘The American Perfumer and Essential Oil Review’ first published (USA).
1907 |
- Auréale (L’Oréal) the first safe synthetic hair-colour developed by Eugène Schueller (Paris).
- New Products:
Bellin: Wonderstoen.
Cyclax: Salusta Lotion.
Helena Rubinstein: Valaze Rouge Tenace; Valaze Lip Lustre; Valaze Eye Crayon; Valaze Tablette Indien; Kohol Jet Grains; Marienbad Flesh-Reducing Tablets; Oriental Flesh Producer; and Dr. Rukinoff’s Blood Producer.
Icilma: Shampoo Sachet; and Hair Powder.
1908 |
- Cellophane invented by Jacques E. Brandenberger (Switzerland). Manufacture begins in 1913.
- Dr. Ernst Kromayer introduces multiple needle electrolysis and insulated needles (Germany).
- ‘La Parfumerie Moderne’ first published (France).
- Lalique produces his first bottle for Coty for the perfume L’Effleurt.
- New Products:
Helena Rubinstein: Novena Cerate; Valaze Snow Lotion; and Valaze Liquidine.
1909 |
- Condé Montrose Nast acquires ‘Vogue’.
- Good Housekeeping Seal introduced by the ‘Good Housekeeping’ magazine (USA).
- New Products:
Beiersdorf: Lobello, a lip balm in stick form (Germany).
Bourjois: Cendre de Rose; and La Rose Pompon.
Cyclax: Clenzene.
Helena Rubinstein: Valaze Speciale.
1910 |
- American film studios begin distributing publicity stills of actors and actresses.
- ‘Perfumery and Essential Oil Record’ first published (UK).
- Inecto hair dye, containing paraphenylenediamine, launched by M. Gaston Bardou in Paris.
- Roger & Gallet introduce their perfumes into America.
- New Products:
Elizabeth Arden: Venetian Line.
Elmo: Dry Rouge; and Deo Cream Deodorant.
Palmolive: Palmolive Cream.
Roger & Gallet: A lip salve.
1911 |
- First temporary make-up departments used on Hollywood film lots.
- Motion Picture Story Magazine, the first American film-fan magazine, begins (USA).
- ‘Photoplay’ film-fan magazine goes on sale (USA).
- The Picturegoer film-fan magazine first published (UK).
- New Products:
Beiersdorf: Nivea Cream using the emulsifying agent Eucerit.
Henry Tetlow: Blue Moon face powder.
Hinds: Honey and Almond Cold Cream.
Northam Warren: Cutex Cuticle Remover.
1912 |
- First National Convention of Hairdressers organised by Ruth D. Maurer (USA).
- First published use of the term ‘vitamine’ (later vitamin) by Casmir Funk (London).
- New Products:
Cyclax: Blended Lotion; Complexion Balm; and Large Pore Lotion.
Demuth: Frozoclone the first alcoholic, solidified toilet water (UK).
Lashbrow Laboratories: Lashbrow mascara.
Palmolive: Palmolive Shampoo.
Tokalon: Cire Aseptine (France).
1913 |
- Dorin cosmetics introduced to England and America from Paris.
- New Products:
Daggett & Ramsdell: Poudre Debutante.
Elizabeth Arden: Poudre de Lilac.
Helena Rubinstein: Valaze Acne Soap.
Icilma: Nail Powder Polish; and Flesh-Tinted Cream.
Lady Esther: Face creams and powders.
Northam Warren: A range of Cutex nail powder polishes and other manicure items.
1914 |
- Elizabeth Arden begins selling eye make-up, including eye shadow, in her salons.
- New Products:
Cyclax: Muscle Restorer.
Elizabeth Arden: Venetian Shadow Powder.
William H. Noll: Glazo Nail Polish.
Tokalon: Santonex (USA).
Francis J. Townsend: Townsend R22, later called Noxzema.
1915 |
- Charles Nessler introduces his permanent wave into America.
- Theda Bara creates the Vamp look.
- Pond’s Extract Cold Cream and Pond’s Extract Vanishing Cream introduced into Europe.
- Tom Lyle Williams begins selling Lash-Brow-Ine through mail-order.
- New Products:
Armand: Complexion Powder.
Bristol-Myers: Ipana toothpaste.
Colgate: Mirage Cream.
Cyclax: Special E Skin Food; Special O Skin Food; Baby Skin Food and Lip Salve.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Poudre Amourette.
Elizabeth Arden: Venetian Amoretta Cream; Venetian Special Astringent; Venetian Special Bleach Cream; and Venetian Orange Skin Food.
Helena Rubinstein: Valaze Beauty Grains; and Valaze Bleaching Cream.
Palmolive: Palmolive Powder; Palmolive Talcum; and Palmolive Vanishing Cream.
Pompeian: Pompeian Night Cream.
Richard Hudnut: Three Flowers perfume.
Vivaudou: Lady Mary series; Mavis series; and Arly La Bohême series
1916 |
- The Titanium Pigment Corporation of Niagara Falls, New York and the Titan Co. A.S., Norway begins commercial production of the white pigment, titanium dioxide.
- British ‘Vogue’ first published.
- Louis Philippe launches the first indelible lipstick containing eosin.
- Pond’s Extract begins its ‘Every skin needs two creams’ advertising campaign.
- New Products:
Armand: Cold Cream Powder.
Dubarry et Cie: Poudre Dubarry; Crème Shalimar.
Elizabeth Arden: Venetian Bleachine Cream; Poudre de Soir; Poudre Maréchal Neil; Poudre D’Illusion; and Savon Kenott.
Henry Tetlow: Pussywillow Face Powder.
Northam Warren: Cutex Liquid Nail Enamel.
Pompeian: Pompeian Hair Massage, originally Hyki Tonic.
Tokalon: Crème Tokalon Roseated (USA).
1917 |
- New Products:
Cyclax: Instanta.
Inecto: Inecto Rapid hair dye.
Maybell Laboratories: Maybelline, a cake mascara.
Palmolive: Palmolive Rouge; and Palmolive Lip Rouge.
Pompeian: Pompeian Beauty Powder; Pompeian Bloom; and Pompeian Day Cream.
1918 |
- New Products:
Armand: Aida Complexion Powder; and Amabelle Complexion Powder.
Denney & Denney: Myana range.
Elizabeth Arden: Venetian Snowdrift.
Hannibal Pharmacal: Neet depilatory.
1919 |
- France passes Cosmetic Ingredients Quality Control Bill.
- Inecto Rapid hair dyes introduced into America.
- New Products:
Armand: Cold Cream Rouge.
Dorothy Gray: Dandruff Ointment.
Dubarry et Cie: Dubarry Powdrette.
Elizabeth Arden: Venetian Ultra-Amoretta.
Elmo: Ra-Lo Face Powder; and Margo Face Powder.
Hinds: Disappearing Cream.
Jean Jordeau: Zip, a wax depilatory.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Mist of Dawn Beauty Cream.
Kimberley-Clark: Kotex sanitary napkins.
Morton Manufacturing: Chap Stick.
Northam Warren: Cutex Cold Cream.
Pompeian: Pompeian Fragrance (Talcum Powder).
Woodbury: Cold Cream.
1920 |
- French ‘Vogue’ first published.
- New Products:
Armand: Cold Cream Talcum Powder.
Caron: Peau Fines and Tabac Blond perfumed powders.
Delica Laboratories: Delica-Brow liquid mascara.
Dorothy Gray: Reducing Cream.
Guerlain: Lynx kohl; and Rouge d’Enfer and Rose Lip Bengale lipsticks.
Helena Rubinstein: Valaze Pink Medicated Cream; and Valaze Egyptian Mask.
Icilma: Bouquet Face Powder.
Innoxa: Mousse Innoxa.
Lowell Company: Primrose House cosmetics.
Odorono: Odo-ro-no Depilatory.
Vivaudou: Mai d’Or series; Vivaudou Shaving Cream and After Shaving Talcum; and Vivomint Tooth Paste.
1921 |
- New Products:
Armand: Cold Cream; Vanishing Cream; and Amette Powder.
Chanel: Chanel No. 5.
Cheramy: Cappi range (USA).
Dorothy Gray: Talcum Powder; Sulphur Lotion; Reducing Salts; and Bath Crystals.
Dubarry et Cie: Debonair Shaving Milk.
Elizabeth Arden: Venetian Anti-Wrinkle Cream.
George W. Luft: Mons. Doriot range.
Glazo: Glazo Polish Remover.
Odorono: Odo-ro-no After Cream.
Stillman: Stillman’s Freckle Cream.
Tokalon: Kijja (France).
1922 |
- Elizabeth Arden begins importing Babani perfumes into America.
- The Manufacturing Perfumers Association of the United States (MPA) changes its name to the American Manufacturers of Toilet Articles (AMTA).
- Puig launches Milady Lipstick the first lipstick manufactured in Spain.
- New Products:
Bourjois: Mon Parfum.
Burroughs Wellcome: Ozozo.
Cyclax: Violet Ray Bath Salt.
Denney & Denney: White Mud Pack.
Dubarry et Cie: Dubarry Day Cream; and Dubarry Night Cream.
Elizabeth Arden: Venetian Creme de France; Venetian Waterproof Cream; Venetian Anti-Brown Spot Ointment; and Arden Ocre Powder.
Elmo: Margo Masque.
Loesser Manufacturing: Domino cosmetics.
Palmolive: Fanchon range.
1923 |
- American exports of toilet preparations exceeds imports for the first time.
- First swivel lipstick patented by James Bruce Mason Jr. in Nashville, Tennessee.
- First Poucher book ‘Encyclopedia of Cosmetics and Perfume’ published.
- Charles W. Stickel and William E. McDonell invent the eyelash curler.
- Max Factor introduces Supreme Greasepaint, a cream greasepaint in tubes.
- New Products:
Armand: Peridore Powder; and KYX Nail Polish.
Bourjois: Ashes of Roses Lipstick (UK); and Ashes of Roses Vanishing Cream (UK).
Elizabeth Arden: Venetian Milk of Almonds; and Arden Liquid Cosmetique.
F. W. Hampshire: Snowfire Soap; and Snowfire Cream.
Lady Esther: Frenchy Face Powder.
Helena Rubinstein: Valaze Pasteurized Facial Cream; and Valaze Theatrical Cream.
Odorono: Creme Odo-ro-no.
Pompeian: Nymfaun range.
Stickel: Kurlash Natural Eyelash Curler (bear trap).
Tokalon: Poudre Tokalon Mousse of Creme (France).
1924 |
- The use of parabens as preservatives established by Theodor Sabalitschka (Germany).
- Inecto, Inc. introduces NoToX hair dye in America.
- Perc Westmore heads the new make-up department at First National Studios.
- New Products:
Bourjois: Ashes of Roses Toilet Soap (UK); and Ashes of Roses Baby Powder (UK).
Cheramy: April Showers range; and Theatrical Powder (USA).
Kimberly Clark: Kleenex Facial Tissues to remove cold cream.
Pacquin-Lester: Pacquin’s Dentists’ and Physicians’ Hand Cream.
Richard Hudnut: Gemey perfume; and Deauville line.
Stickel: Kurlash Eyelash Curler.
1925 |
- Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes held in Paris
- American Beauty Culture School Association formed in New York.
- New Products:
Armand: Eau de Cologne Cleansing Cream; and Florian Face Powder for Men.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Perfect Vanishing Cream.
Dubarry et Cie: Glinta Liquid Nail Polish.
Elmo: Cream Rouge.
F. W. Hampshire: Snowfire Jelly; Snowfire Face Powder; Snowfire Talcum; Snowfire Shampoo; and Snowfire Shaving Stick.
Guerlain: La Poudre C’est Moi.
Helena Rubinstein: Valaze Water Lily Cream; and Valaze Lipsticks.
Lever Brothers: Lux Soap.
L’Oréal: L’Oréal d’Or hair lightener.
1926 |
- Campana Italian Balm introduced into America.
- ‘Drug Markets’ first published (USA).
- New Products:
Armand: Handola.
Bourjois: Cold Cream Poudre Java (USA).
Cheramy: Youth Creams (USA)
Dubarry et Cie: Peach Bloom.
Elizabeth Arden: Venetian Healing Cream.
George W. Luft: Tangee Night Cream; Tangee Day Cream; and Tangee Face Powder.
Helena Rubinstein: Cupidsbow Lipstick; and Valaze Persian Eyeblack.
Houbigant: Quelques Fleurs Hand Lotion.
Lever Brothers: Lifebuoy Soap.
Marie Barlow: Marie Barlow cosmetics.
Northam Warren: Cutex Polish Remover.
Pinaud: Mascara 612 (France).
Procter & Gamble: Camay Soap.
1927 |
- Moisture-proof Cellophane developed by William Hale Charch of DuPont.
- Paraben, a preservative, introduced by Julius Penner A.G. into the United States.
- Opterapia Amor Skin, the first cosmetic hormone cream, goes on sale in the United States through the Amorskin Corporation.
- Schwan-Bleistift-Fabrik A.G. (Germany) begin manufacturing eyebrow pencils.
- Union des Syndicats Français de la Parfumerie formed in Paris.
- New Products:
Armand: Foundation Cream.
Bourjois: Cold Cream au Citron.
Coty: Colcreme, a cold cream; and Crème de Coty, a vanishing cream.
Cyclax: Cleansing Lotion.
Denney & Denney: Milk-O-Bath; and Crême Mercedes.
Doraldina: Doraldina Leg Make-up, the first commercial leg make-up.
Elcaya: Elcaya Tissue Cream.
Eleanor Adair: Spagnette Cream.
Paul Baudecroux: Rouge Baiser indelible lipstick (France).
Helena Rubinstein: Water Lily Powder; Water Lily Compressed Powder; and Water Lily Lipstick.
Houbigant: Rouge Beauté.
Jean Patou: Huile de Chaldée, a sun lotion.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Poudre des Perles Face Powder.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Produits Néoplastiques.
Leichner: No.1001 Das Schlankheitsbad.
Lesquendieu: Eclador Rosée de Pearles nail polish (USA).
Luxor: Krasny cosmetics line.
Max Factor: Society Make-up range; Society Nail Tint; and Society Nail White.
National Mineral (later Helene Curtis): Peach Bloom Facial Mask.
Northam Warren: Cutex Cuticle Cream; and Cutex Cuticle Oil.
Richard Hudnut: Le Début perfumes.
Pond’s Extract: Pond’s Skin Freshener & Tonic; and Pond’s Cleansing Tissues.
Princess Pat: Lemon-Almond Lotion; Princess Pat Lip Rouge.
Tokalon: Parfum de Mon Château; and Poudre de Mon Château (France).
1928 |
- First soapless soaps introduced.
- Tegin, an emulsifying agent, developed by Goldschmidt A.G. (Germany).
- Triethanolamine (TEA), an emulsifier, becomes commercially available.
- ‘Soap, Perfumes and Cosmetics’ first published (UK).
- Schade and Marchionini coin the term ‘acid mantle’ on the skin.
- First chemical sunscreen containing benzyl salicylate and benzyl cinnamate developed by E. Klarmann for Lehn & Fink.
- Max Factor develops Panchromatic make-up.
- New Products:
Armand: Mascu-line range; and Cleanodore.
Barbara Gould: Barbara Gould range.
Bourjois: Crème de Toilette Mon Parfum; Poudre Compacte Mon Parfum; Fard Compact Mon Parfum; Raisin Mon Parfum; Compact Pastels; and Evening in Paris (USA).
Charles of the Ritz: Charles of the Ritz cosmetics line
Dorothy Gray: Texture Lotion; Sunburn Cream; and Acne Set.
Dubarry et Cie: Eye-Lip Pencil.
Elizabeth Arden: Spotpruf Cream; and Ardena Protecta Cream.
Glazo: Glazo Cuticle Oil.
Hannibal Pharmacal: Neet cream depilatory.
Helena Rubinstein: Valaze Eye Shadow; Water Lily Foundation; Enchanté Face Powder; and Cubist Lipstick.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Cold Cream Savonneux à la Violette; Fleur de Poudre Liquide; and Sève Madrilène.
Leichner: Panchromo.
Northam Warren: Perfumed Cutex Liquid Polish.
Odorono: Odorono Deodorant Powder; and Odo-ro-no No 5.
Outdoor Girl (Crystal Chemical): Face Powder; and Rouge.
Pacquin-Lester: Pacquin’s Hand Cream.
Primrose House: Smoothskin Oil.
1929 |
- Beiersdorf markets the first deodorant in salve form.
- Max Factor receives an Oscar for make-up; develops make-ups for Multicolor and Technicolor Process 3.
- New Products:
Armand: Noroma Deodorant Stick; and Glory of the Sun Powder.
Barbara Gould: Finishing Cream; Astringent Lotion; Skin Freshener; and Complexion Dressing.
Coty: Cotytan; Potonique Toning Lotion; Eau de Coty; Tissue Cream; and Crème de Beauté.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Dagelle cosmetics line; Perfect Cleansing Cream; and Vivatone, a skin freshener.
Dorothy Gray: Finishing Lotion.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Bronze; and No-Shine.
George W. Luft: Tangee Cosmetic.
Glazo: Perfumed Glazo Nail Polish.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Gitano Tan.
Maybelline: Eyeliner; Eyebrow Pencil; and Eyeshadow.
Northam Warren: Odo-ro-no No 3.
Outdoor Girl (Crystal Chemical): Lipstick; and Face Cream.
Prince Matchabelli: Belila, a liquid whitener; and Bronzina, a liquid tan.
Richard Hudnut: Poudre le Début.
Rudemar: Rudemar range.
L’Oréal: Imédia Liquide hair dye; and L’Oréal Blanc bleaching powder.
Yardley: English Complexion Cream.
1930 |
- Alexandra de Markoff cosmetics launched in America.
- Lifebuoy Soap starts its B. O. marketing campaign.
- New Products:
Armand: Symphonie Face Powder.
Coty: Manicure Kits; and Perfumed Manicure Polish.
Dorothy Gray: Cream Rouge; and Liquid Lashique.
Elizabeth Arden: Spotpruf Lotion; and Eight Hour Cream.
Elmo: Melting Cream; and Muscle Oil.
Dubarry et Cie: Shalimar Hair Cream.
Frances Denney: Herbal Preparations range.
Glazo: Glazo Nail White; and Glazo Cuticle Remover Crème.
Helena Rubinstein: Grecian Contour Mask; Water Lily Rejuvenating Mask; Water Lily Cleansing Lotion; Youthifying Tissue Cream; Youthifying Hand Cream; and Enchanté Lipstick.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Strawberry Cream Mask.
Kurlash: Tweezette; Kurlene; Shadette; Lashtint; and Lashpac.
Northam Warren: Odo-ro-no Cream Depilatory.
Outdoor Girl (Crystal Chemical): Olive Oil Cream; Cold Cream; Vanishing Cream; Liquifying Cleansing Cream; Lightex Face Powder; Nail Gloss; Remover; and Cosmetique.
Tokalon: Crème Tokalon Biocel Skinfood (UK and France).
Woodbury: After Shaving Lotion; Hair Gloss; Cocoanut Oil Shampoo; Tar Shampoo; Liquid Castile Shampoo; Cleansing Cream; Tissue Cream; Facial Freshener; and Almond-Rose Cream.
1931 |
- American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) founded.
- Atlas Corporation develops the humectants sorbitol and mannitol (USA).
- Koremlu scandal (depilatory cream containing thallium acetate) (USA).
- New Products:
Almay Products: Almay line.
Bourjois: Produits de Babette; and Crème Soir de Paris.
Coty: Liquefying Cleansing Cream.
Dorothy Gray: Sensitive Skin Cream.
Dubarry et Cie: Shalimar Wave-Setting Lotion; Shalimar Lemon Cleaning Cream; and Shalimar Orange Night Cream.
Frances Denney: Herbal Cream Masque.
F. W. Hampshire: Snowfire Glycerin Jelly.
Glazo: Glazo Nicotine Remover.
Hinds: Texture Cream; Cleansing Cream; and Toning Lotion.
Lady Esther: 4-Purpose Hand Cream.
Lesquendieu: Eclador Almond Cream (USA).
Lydia O’Leary: Covermark, the first commercial camouflage cream.
Norwich Pharmacal: Unguentine skin cream (UK).
Helena Rubinstein: Hormone Twin Youthifiers; Pasteurized Bleaching Cream; Automatic Lipstick; Valaze Chain Lipsticks; and Iridescent Eye Shadow.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Émail Pintanier; Crème Klytiafar; Nacrée Velours Klytia ; Royal Klytia; and Crème Kytianet.
Max Factor: Super-Indelible Lipstick.
Northam Warren: Cutex Nail White Pencil; Instant Odo-ro-no.
Pompeian: Pompeian Dusting Powder.
Richard Hudnut: Gemey line.
Rudemar: Massagette; and Liquid Cleansoil.
Uthagen Laboratories: Uthagen Flexible Mask.
Woodbury: Skin Tonic and Astringent; Large Pore Lotion; and Blackhead Lotion.
1932 |
- ‘Drug Markets’ journal renamed ‘The Drug and Cosmetic Industry’.
- Eugene Sutter introduces the use of ammonia as the curling medium in permanent waves.
- Import Duties Act imposes 30% duty on imported cosmetics and toiletries (UK); a temporary 50% duty had been levied in 1931.
- Max Factor develops a make-up for black-and-white television.
- Revenue Act imposes a 10% tax on cosmetics and toilet articles (USA).
- New Products:
Atkinsons: No. 24 Face Powder.
Bourjois: Printemps de Paris/Springtime in Paris.
Charles of the Ritz: Sensitive Skin Cleanser Ritz; Velvet Texture Cream Ritz; Make-up Lotion Ritz; and Lipstick Paris Ritz.
Coty: Indelible Lipstick.
Dorothy Gray: Liquid Cleansing Cream.
Elmo: Ra-Lo Lotion.
Frances Denney: Foundation Lotion.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Make-up Lotion; and Beach Oil.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Klytiaplasme.
Kurlash: Purse-sized folding Kurlash.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Exotique Face Powder.
Marie Earle: Hand Lotion; Eye Wash; and Eye Cream.
Northam Warren: Cutex Hand Cream.
Peggy Sage: Hand Whitener Cream.
Pond’s Extract: Pond’s Face Powder.
Prince Matchabelli: Abano Bath Oil.
Revlon: Revlon Nail Enamel.
Richard Hudnut: Marvelous line.
Rudemar: Correcto, Firmatex; and Odo-Go.
Tokalon: Poudre PerO (France).
1933 |
- The American Manufacture of Toilet Articles (AMTA) becomes The Associated Manufacturers of Toilet Articles (AMTA).
- Lash Lure scandal (USA).
- ‘Votre Beauté’ established as a separate magazine by Eugène Schueller (L’Oréal). It was first introduced as a supplement of ‘La coiffure de Paris’ in 1909.
- New Products:
Armand: Dusting Powder; and Automatic Lipstick.
Barbara Gould: Circulation Cream.
Bourjois: Biocarmine lipstick.
Christy Cosmetics: Eversweet stick deodorant.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Perfect Beauty Cream; Perfect Tissue Cream; Sun Brown Oil; Perfect Face Powder; Perfect Lipstick; Perfect Cream Rouge; Perfect Cake Rouge; Perfect Eye Pencil; Perfect Eye Shadow; Protective Cream; and Finishing Lotion.
Dorothy Gray: Cream 683; Make-up Foundation Cream; and Salon Face Powder.
Dubarry et Cie: Dubarry Beauty Powder; and Jack in the Box Lipstick.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Sun-Pruf Cream; Ideal Suntan Oil; Velva Beauty Film; Ardena Cream Patter; and Venetian Velva Bath Mits.
Frances Denney: Oils of the Wilderness.
Helena Rubinstein: Herbal Mask.
Houbigant: Fard En é; Fard Sec Eé; and Rouge Tenace.
Isis Laboratories: Youthskin line.
Jane Seymour: Jane Seymour range.
L’Oréal: Dopal, the first soap free shampoo.
Northam Warren: Odo-ro-no Powder Compact.
Payot: Golden Rays.
Peggy Sage: Sham-Tan.
Primrose House: Mascara.
Prince Matchabelli: Tanabano, a sun oil.
Revlon: Adheron, a base-coat.
Vivaudou: Automatic Lipstick; and Viv-A-Balm.
Woodbury: Rouge and Lipstick.
1934 |
- Arnold F. Wilmatt develops a cold permanent wave using ammonium hydrosulflte (USA).
- Elizabeth Arden opens Maine Chance spa/health farm.
- Luxury tax applied to cosmetics (USA).
- Karl Meyer and his laboratory assistant John Palmer announce the discovery of Hyaluronan.
- Carbonic spray beauty treatments introduced in France.
- Helena Rubinstein introduces the Derma-lens.
- New Products:
Académie: Vivormones hormone ampoules applied to the skin.
Barbara Gould: Irradiated Skin Food; and Irradiated Face Powder.
Charles of the Ritz: Pore Wash Ritz; and Rejuvenescence Masque.
Chesebrough: Vaseline Lip Ice.
Cyclax: Beauty Bronze Cream.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Perfect Liquefying Cream; and Perfect Cleansing Oil.
Eleanor Adair: Herbal Pack; and Complexion Milk.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Astringent Cream; Blue Grass; Joie de Vivre Gland Cream; and Jewelled Automatic Lipstick.
Frances Denney: Herbal Sun Oil; Anti-Sun Cream; Magic Stick; and Creme Parfait.
Glazo: Glazo Oily Polish Remover.
Helena Rubinstein: Herbal Cleansing Cream; Herbal Muscle Oil; Hormone Beauty Masque; Sunproof Cream; Enchanté Bath Essence; and Water Lily Automatic Lipstick.
Houbigant: Lait En Beauté.
Icilma: Shampette.
Jane Seymour: Sun Tan Oil; Bronzing Lotion; and Sunbalm Lotion.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Mist of Dawn Liquid Finishing Cream; Flowers of Rain Bath Oil; and Verdant Pine Bath Oil.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Paris-Méditerranée; and Crème Klytia Radium.
Kurlash: Twissors.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Emulsified Cleansing Cream; Tussy Anti-Sunburn Foundation Cream.
Marie Earle: Nurimor dry skin cream.
Northam Warren: Cutex Crème Nail Polish; and Cutex Oily Polish Remover.
Nyal: Agnes Sorel line.
Pond’s Extract: Pond’s Liquefying Cream.
Peggy Sage: Lubricant Polish Remover.
Primrose House: Delv all-purpose cream.
Procter & Gamble: Drene soapless shampoo.
Rose Laird: Am-ber-ain; and Quix-Set.
Sylvia of Hollywood: Common Sense Cosmetics line.
1935 |
- The American Associated Manufacturers of Toilet Articles (AMTA) is renamed the Toilet Goods Association (TGA).
- First film photographed entirely in three-strip Technicolor film, ‘Becky Sharp’ (Pioneer/RKO), is released.
- Elizabeth Arden introduces Screen and Stage Make-up for Technicolor film.
- Helene Vierthaler Winterstein patents the first waterproof mascara (Vienna).
- New Products:
Armand: Blended Cream; Symphonie Blended Cream; and Wind Blown Roses Powder.
Barbara Gould: Special Cleansing Cream.
Boots: No. 7 cosmetics range.
Carter Medicine: Arrid antiperspirant.
Charles of the Ritz: Ritztone Sun Oil.
Coty: Air-Spun Face Powder.
Dorothy Gray: Boudoir Rouge.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Elorda Cream; and Elorda Revitalizer Cream.
Eleanor Adair: Lettuce Leaf Cream.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Velva Mask Cream; Nail-O-Tonik Oil; Nail-O-Tonik Oil Enamel Polish; Cameo/Japonica Face Powder; and Slenderlines Reducing Lotion.
Elmo: Ultrae Cleansing Cream.
Glessner: Sofskin Crème.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Ayer Cream Nail Enamel.
Helena Rubinstein: Herbal Hand Balm; Herbal Eye Tissue Oil; Herbal Skin Tonic; Herbal Hair Remover; Town and Country Make-up Film; Golden Automatic Lipsticks; and Water Lily Grande Lipsticks.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Huile Phebus; and Klytiacil.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Emulsified Suntan Lotion; and Wind and Weather Lotion.
Marie Earle: Astringent Throat Cream.
Max Factor: Satin Smooth Liquid Foundation; and Satin Smooth Powder.
Northam Warren: Cutex Lipsticks.
Outdoor Girl (Crystal Products): Four Purpose Cream (UK).
Payot: Golden Rays B; and Le Rouge 1935.
Pompeian: Pompeian Beauty Powder; Pompeian Cream Rouge; Pompeian Dry Rouge; Pompeian Lipstick; Pompeian Cleansing Cream; Pompeian Liquefying Cream; Pompeian Tissue Cream; and Pompeian Astringent and Skin Toner.
Pond’s Extract: Pond’s Cream Lotion, a hand lotion.
Revlon: Oily Polish Remover.
Rose Laird: Poudre-Set; and automatic lipstick.
L’Oréal: Ambre Solaire sunscreen.
Tokalon: Poudre Fascination Double Mousse of/de Crème (UK and France).
1936 |
- ‘Marie Claire’ first published, Paris.
- Max Factor develops Pan-Cake make-up.
- Tampons invented by Tambrands (long known as Tampax).
- New Products:
Antoine de Paris (USA): Ski-Cream, and Ski Lipstick.
Barbara Gould: Plastic Cream; Sun Beauty Cream; Sun Beauty Lotion; and Sun Beauty Oil.
Bourjois: Kobako; and Mansfield for Men (USA).
Charles of the Ritz: Polar Cream Ritz; and Throat Firming Cream.
Clark-Milner: Hide-It, a cream concealer.
Coty: Avocado Beauty Milk; and Avocado Beauty Soap.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Golden Cleansing Cream.
Dorothy Gray: Salon Cold Cream; Throat Cream; Pore Grains; and Innocence Cream Rouge.
Dubarry et Cie: Nuglandin Cream.
Elizabeth Arden: Lille de France; Nail Protecto; Hand-O-Tonik; Pomade Blanche; Looking-Glass Lipstick; and Complexion Boxes.
Elmo: Motan Lotion.
Guerlain: Rouge Automatique lipstick case.
Helena Rubinstein: Novena Night Cream; Town and Country Make-up Lotion; and Town and Country Lipsticks.
Jane Seymour: Sun Tan Bloc.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Special Formula Cleansing Cream; Special Formula Tonic Lotion; Special Formula Tissue Cream; Dry Skin Cream; and Rhythm Perfume.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Tamilklytia; and Masque Éclair.
Lancôme: Nutrix cream containing an antioxidant derived from horse blood, described by Petitjean as his Queen of Creams.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Eye Cream .
Lydia O’Leary: Spot-Stick, a stick concealer.
Northam Warren: Cutex Oily Cuticle Remover; and Cutex Brittle Nail Cream.
Peggy Sage: Nail Dress; and Gardenia Liquid Hand Cream.
Petalskin Toiletries: Petalskin Hand Cream; and Petalskin Face Cream.
Primrose House: Dry Skin Mixture; and Goggle Eye Cream.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Stimulating Cream; Du Barry Rose Cream Mask; Derma-Sec Formula for Dry Skin; and Du Barry Eye Cream.
Rose Laird: Solo Cleanser; and Solo Masque.
Tattoo: Cream mascara as a companion product to their lipstick.
Tokalon: Neal&rquo;s Perles de Beauté (France); and Love Lipsticks/Crayons-lèvres d’Amour (UK and France).
Yardley: Liquefying Cleansing Cream.
1937 |
- The American Medical Association states that no cosmetic can be ‘non-allergic’ and that companies can no longer make that claim in advertisements in its journal.
- Cleansing pads introduced into America.
- Kinu Ltd. introduce the first commercial cosmetic line made with powdered silk.
- New Products:
Boots: Colour cosmetics added to the No. 7 range.
Coty: Air Spun Rouge.
Cyclax: Day Lotion.
Dorothy Gray: Blustery Weather Lotion.
Elmo: Special Formular Cream.
Frances Denney: Summer Cleansing Mixture.
F. W. Hampshire: Snowfire Powder Cream; and Snowfire Blush Cream.
Glazo: Glazo Nail-Cote.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Nail Oil; Afterbath Lotion; Hand Cream; and Aftershave Lotion.
Helena Rubinstein: Beautilift Masque; Eastern Balsam Oil Treatment; Anti-Sunburn Cream; Costume Lipsticks and Vanities; and Infant cosmetic line.
Hirestra Laboratories: Endocreme containing the hormone estradiol.
Innoxa: Crème Nacrée;; Crème Organique; Vitormone (UK); and Cream of Roses (UK).
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Sunburn Lotion.
Kinu: Kinoo cosmetics line.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Automatique Klytia.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Vacation Cleansing Cream.
Max Factor: Invisible Make-Up Foundation; Pan-Cake make-up; and Sun Tan Oil.
Miner’s: Blemi-Stik to mask facial blemishes.
National Cosmetics: Modern Mascara, a cylindrical cake mascara with spiral brush applicator.
National Mineral: Suave Hairdressing hair tonic.
Northam Warren: Odo-ro-no Ice.
Payot: Fond de Teint.
Primrose House: Chiffon Rouge; and Chiffon Cream.
Rose Laird: Shaperone Hand Cream; Greaseless Deodorant; and Delux Face Powder.
Shulton: Early American Old Spice line.
Vivaudou: Mavis Mildly Scented Talcum.
Wings Products: Hollywood Wings applied to facial frowns and wrinkles.
Yardley: English Complexion Powder.
1938 |
- Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act passed (USA).
- The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) seizes Lash Lure and Magic-Di-Stik.
- Diadermine (the largest selling French facial cleanser) launched in America.
- Rouge Baiser Black Lipstick introduced into America.
- Will Baltzer develops the sunscreen Gletscher Crème (Glacier Cream), which becomes the basis for the company Piz Buin.
- New Products:
Barbara Gould: Velvet of Peaches Foundation Cream; and Special Dry Skin Cream.
Charles of the Ritz: Velvet Glove Hand Lotion; and Cooling Masque.
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet: Halo Shampoo.
Coty: Foundation Lotion; and Avocado Shaving Stick.
Courtley: Courtley line of men’s toiletries.
Cyclax: Sunproof Cream.
Dorothy Gray: Cream Concentrate; and Portrait Face Powder.
Elizabeth Arden: Fluffy Cleansing Cream; Ardena Stimulash; and Ardena Face Moulder.
Elmo: Foundation Mist.
Frances Denney: Make-up Film; and Make-up Mask.
F. W. Hampshire: Vitamin Skin Cream; and Dewie Facial Refresher Pad.
Germaine Monteil: Jumbo Lipstick.
Helena Rubinstein: Town and Country Face Powder; Flower Petal Face Powders; and Sunproof Cream.
Jacqueline Cochran: Wings to Beauty range.
Juliette Marglen: Seal-O-Wax, a nail polish top coat.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Special Formula Toilet Soap; and Under Eye Pencil.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Duvet de Pêche; Or Ambré; and Beauté de Iles.
Lady Esther: 7-Day Cream Nail Polish.
Lancôme: Rose de France lipstick.
Leichner: Flüssiger “seiden”-strumpf.
Lorr Laboratories: Dura-Gloss nail polish.
Max Factor: Tru-Color Lipstick; and Normalizing Cleansing Cream.
Northam Warren: Cutex Polish Foundation.
Outdoor Girl (Crystal Products): Gala Lipstick (UK).
Payot: Crème Embryonnaire.
Peggy Sage: Satinbase.
Primrose House: Chiffon Dusting Powder.
Princess Pat: Liquid Liptone.
Revlon: Solvent; Prolon; and Lactol.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Cleansing Cream for Dry Skin.
Rose Laird: Young Skin range; Dry Skin Cream; and Lip Liner.
Shulton: Early American Old Spice for men.
Westmores: Budget line – Cleansing Cream, Foundation Cream, Powder, Dry Rouge, Cream Rouge, Eyeshadow, and Lipstick.
1939 |
- The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) tells cosmetic firms to stop using terms like ‘Skin Food’, ‘Tonic Food’, ‘Tissue tonic’, or similar which imply that the skin will be nourished.
- First report of hydroquinone depigmenting the skin made by Dr Edward A. Oliver (USA)
- Richard Hudnut starts the Du Barry Success School.
- Helena Rubinstein introduces the Polaroid Skin Analyser.
- New Products:
Alfred D. McKelvy: Seaforth, a men’s toiletry line.
Associated Distributors: Chen Yu Nail Lacquer.
Atkinsons: Californian Poppy cosmetic range.
Barbara Gould: Velvet Peaches Foundation.
Bourjois: Mais Oui (USA); and Evening in Paris Trio Lotion (USA).
Cyclax: Skin Tonic.
Doraldina: Powder Blender for individual powder blending at the cosmetic counter.
Dorothy Gray: Elation Make-up Film; and Hot Weather Cleansing Cream.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Ski-Sports Gelée; and All-Day Foundation Cream.
Elmo: Deo Stick Deodorant.
Frances Denney: Under-Tone.
F. W. Hampshire: Snowfire Powder Cake.
Goya: Goya Face Powder.
Helena Rubinstein: Foot and Ankle Masque; Photochrome; Lipstick Plus; Waterproof Mascara; and Pasteurized Milk Bath.
Innoxa: Solution 39.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Throat and Neck Cream; and Foaming Bath Oil.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Poudre Elisabeth; Yaourt Klytia; and Epil-Gum.
Mary Dunhill: Texture Cream.
Mrs. Pomeroy: Skin Conditioner.
Northam Warren: Odo-ro-no Cream Deodorant.
Peggy Sage: Hand Lotion Bouquet.
Primrose House: Sun Screen Lotion; and Sun Screen Oil.
Revlon: Revlon Lipsticks to match their nail enamels.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Make-up Base.
Rose Laird: Young Skin Deodorant; and Tanologne.
1940 |
- The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is moved from the Department of Agriculture to the Federal Security Agency.
- Maurice Levy reintroduces Papier Poudre into America.
- Richard Hudnut starts the Du Barry Success Course.
- New Products:
Atkinsons: Skin Deep Beauty Cream.
Barbara Gould: Skylark line.
Botany: Lanolin range.
Campana: Campana Hand Cream.
Carter Medicine: Nair depilatory.
Charles of the Ritz: Complexion Veil; Smoothtan Oil and Cream; and the Moss Ross line of beauty and bath preparations.
Coty: Sub-Tint; and a mascara.
Cyclax: Stockingless Cream.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Mountain Heather Cologne; Mountain Heather Bath Powder; and Mountain Heather Talc.
Dorothy Gray: Dry-Skin Lotion; Before-You-Ski Lotion; and After-You-Ski Lotion.
Elizabeth Arden: Sleek depilatory; and Feather-Light Foundation Cream.
Elmo: All-Weather Lotion; and Climatised Lipstick.
Frances Denney: Mild Cleansing Cream; Mild Skin Cream; Mild Skin Lotion; Tan and Protect; and Night-Tone.
Helena Rubinstein: Classic Lipsticks with Vitamin E; Fingertip Masque; and Water Lily Deodorant Lotion and Cream.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Beautifying Mask; and Bubbling Bath.
Hinds: Deodorant Cream.
Innoxa: Innoxa Tan (UK).
Jacqueline Cochran: Chromablend; and Take-Off.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Mist of Dawn Foundation Lotion.
Lancôme: Discoteint, a liquid version of its compact powder.
Milkmaid: Milkmaid line of cosmetics.
Northam Warren: Cutex Porous Nail Polish.
Outdoor Girl (Crystal Products): Gala Face Powder (UK).
Peggy Sage: Fingernail Gloves; and Mesh-Film Nail Polish.
Pond’s Extract: Lips lipsticks.
Primrose House: Smoothskin Oil, Chiffon All Purpose Cream; Chiffon Lipstick; Make-Up-Mask; and Forget-Me-Not Cologne, Bath Powder, and Soap.
Princess Pat: Cheektone.
Revlon: Nail Fix; Cheek Stick; and Pearl Hand Cream.
Shulton: Early American Friendship’s Garden line.
Vivaudou: Viva-Caprice Lipstick.
Westmores: Mascara added to its make-up lines.
1941 |
- Toilet Preparations and Perfumery Manufacturers’ Federation of Great Britain Ltd. founded.
- New Products:
Alfred D. McKelvy: Seaforth Hair Dressing.
Associated Distributors: Chen Yu Nail Polish Remover Pads.
Barbara Gould: Skylark Perfume; and Cream Pompon.
Charles of the Ritz: Raspberry Ice Cologne, Dusting Powder, and Foam Bath.
Cyclax: Demulcent Cream.
Elizabeth Arden: Velva Leg Film; Ardena Moisture Cream; and Filmofoam.
Elmo: Special Nite Cream; and Margo Talcum Powder.
Frances Denney: Eau de Cologne Deodorant; and Over-Tone.
Germaine Monteil: Laughter, Nostalgia, Frou-Frou, and New Love Perfumes.
Goya: Goya Lipsticks.
Helena Rubinstein: Prince Gourielli and Princess Gourielli lines; Town and Country mMake-up Film Special; Sportstick; Apple Blossom Hand Lotion; and Young Complexion Kit.
Hinds: Honey and Almond Cream renamed Honey and Almond Fragrance Cream.
Houbigant: Translucid Foundation Lotion, Face Powder, Dry Rouge, Lipstick, Eau de Cologne, and Sun-Filter Lotion (USA).
Northam Warren: Cutex Overcoat, a quick drying finish.
Payot: Crème Nutricia.
Pond’s Extract: Pond’s Dry Skin Cream, and Dreamflower Face Powder.
Primrose House: Forget-Me-Not Bubbling Bath, and Atomiser.
Revlon: Seal-Fast; and a lipstick brush.
Shulton: Desert Flower, its first line that includes make-up; face powder added to the Early American Old Spice range.
Tokalon: Super Crème Tokalon (France).
Woodbury: Color Controlled Powder.
1942 |
- American Army studies sunburn prevention and recommends red veterinary petrolatum with added phenyl salicylate.
- Germaine Monteil closes her couture business and concentrates on cosmetics.
- New Products:
Antoine de Paris (USA): Stocking Stand-In.
Armand: Play Proof; Liquid Leg Make-up; and Cream Leg Make-up.
Associated Distributors: Chen Yu Chip Chek; Hand Cream; Nail Lotion; and Nail Balm.
Bourjois: Courage (USA); and Evening in Paris Creme Parfum (USA).
Bristol-Myers: Toushay Hand Lotion (renamed Trushay in 1944).
Campana: Solitaire, a cake make-up.
Charles of the Ritz: Revenescence Lotion.
Cheramy: Skin Balm (USA).
Coty: Shapelip lipstick.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Debutante Make-up; and Mountain Heather Toilet Soap.
Dorothy Gray: Leg Show.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Special Neck Cream.
Elmo: Photo-Finish Cake Make-up.
Frances Denney: Foot Lotion; Foot Balm; Neck-Tone, and Leg Make-up Film.
Gala of London: Gala Facial Cream; Gala Rouge; and Gala Cosmetique.
Germaine Monteil: Liqui-Tan.
George W. Luft: Satin-Finish Lipstick; and Petal-Finish Rouge.
Helena Rubinstein: Leg Stick; Leg lotion; Town and Country Filmpact; Conceal; Gourielli Estrolar Cream; Gourielli Leg Tint; and Gourielli Active Ozone Cream, Shave Cream, and Shave Soap.
Houbigant: Translucid Skin Freshener, Mascara, Whipped Cream Rouge, Eyebrow Pencil, and Eye Shadow (USA).
Jeane Nate: Hand Tone, a hand lotion.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Forget-Me-Not Perfume.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Leg-A-See and Show-Off cosmetic stockings.
Louis Philippe: Angelus cake make-up.
Marie Earle: Essential Foundation.
Pond’s Extract: Cheek dry rouge.
Primrose House: Forget-Me-Not Perfume, Hand Lotion, and Face Powder.
Rose Laird: Leg Tone.
Vivaudou: Mavis Talc Mit.
Westmores: Overglo Liquid Cream Foundation.
1943 |
- John Daize and his associates introduce the Draize eye test to establish the safety of products to be used in the eyes.
- New Products:
Armand: Stocking Stick.
Dorothy Gray: Nosegay Face Powder; and baby products.
Frances Denney: Foot Lotion; Foot Balm; Neck-Tone, and Leg Make-up Film.
George W. Luft: Petal-Finish Face Powder.
Hinds: Complete Facial.
Houbigant: Translucid Special Sheer Texture Cleansing Cream, and Special Emollient Retiring Cream (USA).
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Mist of Dawn Leg Make-up.
Marie Earle: Perfection Leg Make-up.
Pond’s Extract: Make-Up Pat, a cake foundation.
Primrose House: Chiffon Make-up Base; Chiffon Liquid Hosiery; and Prim Deodorant.
Revlon: Wind-Milled face powders; and Leg Silk leg make-up.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Beauty Cake make-up.
Vivaudou: Mavis Talc for Men.
Yardley: Hand Cream.
1944 |
- ‘Seventeen’, a magazine for teenage girls launched (USA).
- New Products:
Benjamin Green: Coppertone Suntan Cream
Chen Yu: Prefix; and Cloud Silk Cake Make-up.
Dorothy Gray: Cellogen Cream; and Finisheen Cream.
Elmo: Photo-Finish Face Powder.
George W. Luft: Petal-Finish Cake Make-up.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Ayeristocrat Sponge-on Make-up.
Helena Rubinstein: Minute Stocking Film; Cream-Tint Foundation; and Gourielli Sulfo-Colloidal Cream.
Helene Pessl: Little Lady range.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Finishing Touch cake make-up.
Mary Dunhill: Face It.
Peggy Sage: Shimmer Sheen Nail Polish.
Primrose House: Petal Tint Liquid Cream Make-up; and Prim Shampoo.
Toni: Toni Home Permanent.
Westmores: Overglo Face Powder.
1945 |
- Society of Cosmetic Chemists founded in America.
- New Products:
Armand: Pearls in Wine Transforming Lipstick.
Barbara Gould: Liquid Velvet.
Benjamin Green: Coppertone Suntan Oil.
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet: Veto Cream Deodorant.
Elizabeth Arden: Pat-A-Kake.
Elmo: Photo-Finish Lipstick; Photo-Finish Rouge; Photo-Finish Cream Make-up; and Photo-Finish Make-up Remover.
Germaine Monteil: Anatome Cream; and Sensitone Lotion.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Eye Cream; and Ayer Dry, an antiperspirant.
Helena Rubinstein: Snow Lotion (Medicated); Herbal Hand Cream and Lotion; and Estrogenic Hormone Cream and Oil.
Helene Pessl: Melinda range; and Young Lad range.
Hirestra Laboratories: Endocreme Hand Lotion.
Hoffman La Roche: Pantene.
Houbigant: Translucid Cream-Tone (USA).
L’Oréal: Oréol, a cold permanent wave for colour-treated hair.
Mary Dunhill: Lustre Lipsticks.
Northam Warren: Cutex Oily Quick Dry.
Peggy Sage: Oil Dry.
Primrose House: Sheen-Tone cream shampoo; Chiffon Smoothskin Lotion; and Chiffon Cake Make-up.
Prince Matchabelli: Duchess of York make-up line.
Rilling Arnao: Nail-Dri, a nail oil to set and dry nail enamel.
Rose Laird: Atrogen Cream.
Woodbury: Film-Finish Powder.
1946 |
- Comité International d’Esthétique et de Cosmétologie (CIDESCO) founded in Brussels by Georges Dumont from Belgium and Jacques Poirsons from France.
- Elizabeth Arden opens a second Maine Chance spa/health farm in Arizona.
- Max Factor creates a new make-up for black-and-white television.
- Perma-Nail introduces Perma-Nail Base Coat, the first base coat made with phenyl-formaldehyde resins which proved to be potent sensitisers.
- New Products:
Armand: Pearls in Wine range.
Beauty Counselor: Liquid Beauty, a powder cream made as an oil-in-water emulsion.
Chen Yu: Jade Stick; Cloud Silk Lipstick; and Cloud Silk Lip Brush.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Gay Manhattan, the first commercial aerosol perfume.
Dorothy Gray: Cellogen Lotion.
Dubarry et Cie: Perlysia Day Cream.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Perfection Cream; Milky Liquid Cleanser; and Camellia Hand Cream.
Estée Lauder: Cleansing Oil; Crème Pack; Skin Lotion; and Super Rich All-Purpose Creme.
Frances Denney: Luminous Film; Luminous Cover-up; and Neck Blender.
Gala of London: Gala Conditioning Cream; and Gala Foundation Cream.
Helena Rubinstein: Plus Cleanser; Milk-Tone Cake Make-up; Nail Lacquer; and Turret Stirling Silver Lipstick Case.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Cream Cake Foundation; Complexion Wash; and Precious Night Oils.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Beauty Plus Hormone Cream.
Marie Earle: Golden Morn dry skin cream.
Pond’s Extract: Angel Face compact powder.
Primrose House: Estrogenic Hormone Cream; and Witchery Perfume.
Revlon: Lastron Nail Enamel.
Rose Laird: Pat-Tint.
1947 |
- Aluminium chlorohydrate introduced into antiperspirants.
- Brendan O’Regan opens the first first duty free-shop in Shannon Airport, Ireland.
- Dior launches the New Look.
- Max Factor develops Pan-Stik make-up.
- New Products:
Alexandra de Markoff: Hand and Elbow Cream; and Virgin Flower Hand Cream.
Bourjois: Evening in Paris 2-0-8 Face Powder (USA).
Alfred D. McKelvy: Seaforth Brushless Shave Cream.
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet: Cashmere Bouquet Beau Cake.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Debutante skin-care and make-up line for young adults; and a men’s line of toiletries.
Dorothy Gray: Angel Cake.
Elizabeth Arden: Foolpruf; Blue Grass Cream Deodorant; Ardena Moisture Oil; and Electric Patter.
Eylure: Artificial Eyelashes; and Lashfix.
Frances Denney: Neck and Contour Blend.
Gala of London: Gala Tonic; Gala Lotion; Gala Film; Gala Gleam; and Gala Base.
Goya: Goya Automatic Lipstick; and Grandee Lipstick.
Houbigant: Chantilly Face Powder (USA).
Innoxa Gant Crème.
Jacqueline Cochran: Lotion Deodorant.
Lady Esther: Lipcolors.
Lancôme: Progrès.
Marie Earle: Peach Satin Cream for the neck and chest.
Northam Warren: Cutex Nail Brilliance.
Payot: Pâte Grise.
Peggy Sage: Shimmer Lipsticks.
Revlon: Everon; Aquamarine Lotion; Fashion Plate; and Lip Fashion.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Sophisti-Cake cake make-up.
Schwarzkopf: Cold permanent-wave; and Poly Color home hair dye.
Jules Montenier: Stopette spray antiperspirant, the first commercial product to use a polyethylene squeeze bottle.
Woodbury: Beauty-Blended Lotion.
1948 |
- The American Medical Association sets up a Committee on Cosmetics.
- British section of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists holds its inaugural meeting.
- Society of Practitioners in Electrolysis (later British Institute & Association of Electrolysis) founded (UK).
- New Products:
Armour: Dial Soap containing hexachlorophene (G-11).
Chap Stick: Chap-Ans, a hand cream for men.
Chesebrough: Vaseline Cream Hair Tonic; Vaseline Eyebrow-Eyelash Cream; and Vaseline Cuticle and Nail Cream.
Coty: Pastel-Tint.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Debutante Foamy Powder Shampoo.
Dorothy Gray: Estrogenic Hormone Lotion.
Elizabeth Arden: Pat-A-Crème.
Eylure: Artificial Fingernails.
Frances Denney: Magic Song Cologne Deodorant; and Magic Song Cream Deodorant.
F. W. Hampshire: Snowfire Brilliantine, Solid Brilliantine, and Brilliantine Cream.
Gala of London: Lip Line Lipstick; and Gala Nail Colour.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Pretty Package, a line for juniors.
Helena Rubinstein: Estrogenic Hormone Hand Lotion; Estrolar Throat Oil; and Silk-Tone and Silk-Film Foundations.
Jane Seymour: Petal Dust Face Powder.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Quinlan Face Powder.
Marie Earle: Aralinn skin lotion.
Max Factor: Pan-Stik.
Payot: Crème Régénoderm; and Régenoserum.
Peggy Sage: Lipstick Convertible.
Primrose House: Deep Pore Cleansing Cream.
Revlon: Prolife.
Richard Hudnut: Home Permanent Wave.
Rimmel: Lip Palette.
Westmores: Overglo Creme-Cake.
1949 |
- Interferential Therapy developed by Dr. Hans Nemec of Vienna.
- Oeil de biche (doe-eyed) look created by M. Fernand Aubrey.
- New Products:
Académie: Bronzécran, a cream sunscreen.
Barbara Gould: Personal Touch antiperspirant.
Bourjois: Beau Belle (USA); and Evening in Paris Peaches and Cream Foundation (USA).
Coty: Creamy Lipstick.
Elizabeth Arden: Special Salon Treatment Lotion and Oil; Eye Stopper; and Super Lipstick.
F. W. Hampshire: Snowfire Matt Base.
George W. Luft: The Glamourizer.
Germaine Monteil: Hand Balm; and Supersec.
Golden Peacock: Esoterica Fade Cream.
Goya: Thick & Thin Lipsticks; and Beauty Base.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Complete Home Permanent; Cream Shampoo; Cream Rinse; Ayeristocrat Creamy Foundation; Hand Cream; and Dry Skin Cream.
Helena Rubinstein: Silk Screen Face Powder and Compact Powder.
Hirestra Laboratories: Hormone Hair Beauty shampoo and scalp conditioner.
Jacqueline Cochran: Flowing Velvet Lotion.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Sève Nutriive Supérdemaquillant; Crème Aurore; and Eau de Toilette.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Beach Coat, a suntan preparation; and Tussy Dry Skin Treatment Cream.
Prince Matchabelli: Golden Crownstick lipstick.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Sophisti-Cream cream make-up.
Woodbury: Liquifying Cleansing Cream; and Dream Stuff.
1950 |
- Panton Press begins offering colour cards for lipsticks and nail polish (USA).
- New Products:
Atkinsons: New range consisting of Cleansing Cream, Foundation Cream, Powder Rouge, Face Powder, and Lipstick.
Barbara Gould: Beauty Begins.
Bourjois: Endearing (USA); and Evening in Paris Satin Finish Compact (USA).
Beiersdorf: Ph5 Eucerin Cream.
Carter Products: Rise shaving foam, the first commercially successful aerosol cosmetic.
Chen Yu: Fluid Cloudsilk; Cloudsilk Compressed Powder; and Style Stick.
Chesebrough: Vaseline Liquid Shampoo.
Clairol: Miss Clairol Hair Color Bath hair-colouring kit.
Coty: Shakti cologne and body deodorant.
Dorothy Gray: Lipstick Couplet lipstick; Liquid Cleansing Cream; and Dual-Purpose Emollient.
Frances Denney: Texture Tint.
Gala of London: Gala Face.
Goya: Goya Cream Rouge.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Formulayer Moisture Cream.
Hazel Bishop: Lasting Lipstick.
Helena Rubinstein: Silken Lipstick; Silk Velvet Hand Lotion; Sun and Windproof Lotion; and Dandruff Control Lotion.
Icilma: Poem range.
Innoxa: Gouttes Bleues (France).
Jacqueline Cochran: Radiant Glow.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Hormone Cream and Oil.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Vitaklytia; and Hormoklytia.
Lady Esther: Hands-Up for the hands.
Lentheric: Sta-Put indelible lipstick.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Medicated Lotion; and Tussy Powder Pat.
Max Factor: Satin Flow Cleansing Cream; Night Facial Stik; and Signature line for men.
Northam Warren: Cutex Pearl Brilliance nail polish.
Outdoor Girl: Panchromatic Foundation (UK).
Pacquin: Silk ’n Satin all-over body lotion.
Pond’s Extract: Angel Face cream powder.
Revlon: Touch-and-Glow; and Dreamy Eye Make-up.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Cream Superbe; and Richard Hudnut Formula A-10 anti-dandruff tonic.
Rose Laird: Thelium range.
Tokalon: Film Foundation (UK).
Westmores: Tru-Glo Face Powder.
Yardley: Feather Pressed pressed powder compact; and the Yardley Y range of men’s toiletries.
1951 |
- New Products:
Alfred D. McKelvy: Seaforth Groomstick solid after-shave lotion.
Atkinsons: Night Cream; and Hand Lotion.
Barbara Gould: Revital; Moistone Cream; Moistone Oil; and Brush-On Beauty Masque.
Beiersdorf: 8x4 Seife, Europe’s first deodorant soap.
Ivan D. Combe: Clearasil medicated acne cream.
Cyclax: Glamour Tint (GlamOtint); and Colour-Cling Lipsticks.
Cheramy: April Showers Deodorant Talc; and April Showers Stick Deodorant (USA).
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Special Hormone Cream; Firmo-Lift Treatment Lotion; and Ardena Basic Sheen.
Esté Lauder: Estoderme Youth-Dew Creme.
Frances Denney: Invisible Beauty Strap; Beautifying Lotion; and Lipoid Lipstick.
George W. Luft: Petal-Finish Pressed Powder.
Germaine Monteil: Anatome Fluid Make-up.
Guerlain: Emulsion d’Ambroisie skin serum.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Cleanse-Ayer liquid cleanser; Ayerfast indelible lipstick; First Blush liquid foundation; and Sun Tan Lotion.
Helena Rubinstein: Perfume Spray Deodorant; Deodorant Soap; Color-Sheen; Stay-Long Lipstick; Stay-Long Nail Polish; Deep Cleanser; Eye Autopencil; and Hand Bleach Cream.
Helene Curtis: Spray Net aerosol hairspray.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Balanced Beauty for the neck and throat.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Embryoklytia.
Lancaster: Sèrum Tissulaire V and S.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Permastick, an indelible lipstick.
Max Factor: World of Beauty Soap; and World of Beauty Talcum Powder.
Northam Warren: Spillpruf bottle for the Cutex line; and Cutex Nail-Flex.
Peggy Sage: Crystallin Finish Nail Polish; Stay Sheen Lipsticks; Hand Finishing Cream; and French Milled Soap.
Revlon: Indelible-Creme Lipstick.
Richard Hudnut: Tru-Tint home hair colour.
Westmores: Tru-Glo Liquid Make-up; and French Formula Pencil Lipstick.
Woodbury: Liquid Make-up.
1952 |
- Paul B. Elder Co. introduces Benoquin (containing a monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone) to inhibit melanin production, the first preparation of its kind.
- Acetylated lanolin, made by American Cholesterol Products (later Amerchol) becomes commercially available.
- Elmer E. Mills Corporation introduces the first plastic squeeze bottle that could be sprayed in an inverted position. First used in Bounce! foot deodoriser.
- Primrose House imports Le Secret de Blanche Delysia from France, the first albumin wrinkle smoother to go on sale in America.
- New Products:
Alfred D. McKelvy: Seaforth Veladron Brushless Shave Cream; Seaforth Presto-Lather Shave Cream; and Seaforth Stāvo spray deodorant.
Académie: Cover Cream liquid foundation.
Barbara Gould: Special Throat Cream; and Enriched Night Cream.
Bourjois: Evening in Paris Deodorant Stick (USA).
Bristol-Myers: Trushay Hand Cream.
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet: Palmolive Rapid Shave; Veto Spray Deodorant; Lustre-Creme Lotion; and Cashmere Bouquet Beauty Bar.
Coty: Instant Beauty; and Cream Powder.
Dorothy Gray: Remoldine; Sheer Velvet Film; and Sheer Velvet Compact.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Hormone Hand Cream; Duet Lipsticks and Sun Bloc Lotion.
Elmo: Photo Glo; and Deo Powder Deodorant.
Esté Lauder: Estoderme Youth-Dew Flowing Emulsion.
Gala of London: Gala Hormone Cream; and Gala Perfume Series.
George W. Luft: Miracle Make-up.
Germaine Monteil: Superglow Lipstick; and Secret Light.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Ayer Magic cream concealer.
Hazel Bishop: Complexion Glow liquid-cream rouge.
Helena Rubinstein: Silk-Tone Special with hormones; Contour Lift Film; Stay-lustre Lipstick; and Silk-Tone Liquid Rouge.
John Robert Powers: Mascara-in-the-Round.
Lentheric: Hand Lotion Concentrate.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Beauty Plus Hormone Lotion; and Tussy Finishing Touch liquid foundation.
Marie Earle: Masque Glace cream foundation; and Aralinn Foundation, a liquid foundation.
Prince Matchabelli: Extra Deep Skin Cleanser; and Liquid Make-up.
Max Factor: Color-Fast Lipstick.
Northam Warren: Cutex Stay-Fast indelible lipstick.
Payot: Rouge Germinal.
Peggy Sage: Perfumed Spray Deodorant.
Primrose House: Le Secret de Blanche Delysia; and Chiffon Cologne Stick.
Revlon: Aquamarine Lotion; White Sable Liquid Cleansing Creme; White Sable Hormone Liquid Cleansing Creme; and Second Nature.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Flatter Face compressed powder.
Shulton: Desert Flower Hand and Body Lotion.
Westmores: Party Puff.
1953 |
- U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) gets agreement from advertisers that lipsticks can only claim to be ‘indelible’, ‘smear proof’, or ‘non-smear’ if the word ‘type’ was used with such descriptions.
- New Products:
Alfred D. McKelvy: Seaforth Spiced Shave Lotion; and the Black Watch line.
Atkinsons: Skin Deep Foundation Cream; Skin Deep Nourishing Cream; Skin Deep Complexion Soap; and Skin Deep Beauty Mask.
Barbara Gould: Beauty-Full Lotion.
Charles of the Ritz: Velvet Foam Cleanser.
Colgate-Palmolive: Lustre-Creme Lotion Shampoo.
Coty: Body Beautiful Lotion; Instant Cleanser; Homogenized Cleansing Cream; and Homogenized Night Cream.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Perfect Deodorant Cream; and Perfect Oil Shampoo.
Dorothy Gray: Satura Moisturizing Cream; Cellogen Hormone Lotion; Quick Cleansing Cream; and Cream Stick.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Invisible Veil Compact Powder; and Arden for Men range.
Elmo: Photo-Sheen.
Estée Lauder: Estoderme Youth-Dew Bath Oil; and Travel Trick Cream.
Frances Denney: Viva Cream; and Satiny Touch-up.
Gala of London: Lip Film; and Interchange Lipstick.
Germaine Monteil: Superglow Face Powder.
Goya: Liquid Beauty; Beauty Tonic; and Antiseptic Lotion.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Apricot Cream; and Scented Sun Lotion.
Hazel Bishop: Long-Lasting Nail Enamel.
Helena Rubinstein: Perfume Deodorant Stick; Skin Serum; Lanolin-Vitamin Formula; Hand Delight; and Minute Make-up.
Houbigant: Chantilly Liquid Cream Deodorant (USA).
Jacqueline Cochran: Lotion Quick Cleanser; Hand and Arm Cream; and Derma Sheen.
Lady Esther: Estrogenic Hormone Cream; and Puff Magic pressed powder.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy All Purpose Cream; Tussy Medicare Treatment Set; Tussy Beauty Touch compact powder; and Tussy Moisture Cream.
Lever Brothers: Shield, the first toothpaste to contain an antibiotic (tyrothricin).
Max Factor: Creme Puff, a compact make-up.
Merz: Placentubex.
Orlane: Gelée Royale containing royal jelly (France).
Payot: Maskoderm; and Sans Risque.
Pond’s Extract: Angel Skin Hand Lotion.
Primrose House: Chiffon Solid Hand Lotion.
Revlon: Moon Drops Moisture Balm; Cuticle Massage Cream; Build-Up; Creamy Cuticle Remover; Love-Pat; Waking Beauty; Silicare; and Aquamarine Hair Dressing.
Rexall Drug: Ann Delafield Beauty Line.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Penetrating Balm; Du Barry Flatter-Glo; Drystick cream deodorant/antiperspirant; and Spray and Stay hairspray.
1954 |
- Max Factor develops a new make-up for RCA compatible colour television.
- New Products:
Académie: Hydraderm Cream.
Alexandra de Markoff: Elixir de Markoff.
Barbara Gould: Act of Beauty; Complexion Cream (France); and Complexion Oil (France).
Bourjois: Glamour (USA).
Charles Attwell: Touch-Up Stik stick concealer.
Cheramy: April Showers Liquid Cream Deodorant (USA).
Dorothy Gray: Remoldine Body Rub.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Invisible Veil Face Powder.
Elmo: Doll Face.
Estée Lauder: Lip Gloss.
Frances Denney: Viva Liquid; Diet Form; and Slim Trim.
F. W. Hampshire: Snowfire Junior Baby Powder; and Dor Deodorant Cream.
Gala of London: Gala Hand Lotion.
George W. Luft: Chap-Away Lip Pomade; and Tangee Fluid Beauty.
Germaine Monteil: Superglow Fluid Make-up.
Helena Rubinstein: Hair Stick; Nudit Special; Perfumed Deodorant Pads; Suntan Spray; Tan-In-A-minute; Sun and Sport Liquid Cream; Everpoint Eye Pencil; and Eye Shadow Stick.
Houbigant: Body-Tone; and Lotion Whip (USA)
Juvena: Juneva cosmetics range.
Johnson & Johnson: No More Tears baby shampoo.
Jacqueline Cochran: Cream Mascara; and Sun ’n Sand foaming sunscreen.
Kathleen Mary Quinlan: Roborare.
Klytia (Institut de Beauté): Milk-Film; and Tonic Bonheur du Jour.
Lady Esther: 4-Purpose Liquid Face Cream.
Lancaster: Bain Rajeunissant; and Baume Contre La Couperose.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy After Bath Lotion.
Maybelline: Automatic Eyebrow and Eyeliner Pencil.
Marie Earle: Queen Bee Cream containing royal jelly.
Max Factor: Erace stick concealer; and Secret Key.
Outdoor Girl: Eyebrow Pencil; Beauty Mask; and Dry Skin Cream (UK).
Pond’s Extract: Angel Lips, a lipstick.
Revlon: Superbase base coat; Lanolite Lipstick; Silken-Net liquid hair spray; and Quick-Dry non-smear nail spray.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Liquid Treasure; Du Barry Bloom cream rouge; and Pink Suds skin cleanser.
Westmores: Beauty Stick, a stick concealer.
Yardley: Vitamin Night Cream.
1955 |
- Danish Society of Cosmetic Chemists formed.
- Commercial television advertising commences in the U.K.
- McKesson adds the antibiotic tyrothricin to its Yodora deodorant.
- New Products:
Alfred D. McKelvy: Seaforth Pre-Lim Electric Shave Aid.
Antoine de Paris (USA): For Gentlemen Cologne and After-Shave.
Atkinsons: Ribbon Twist Lipstick.
Bourjois: Roman Holiday (USA); and Christmas in July (USA).
Bristol-Myers: Ban, the first commercially successful roll-on deodorant/antiperspirant.
Charles of the Ritz: Perfect Lipstick.
Coty: Cream Powder Compact; Vitamin A-D Complex Cream; Coty “24” indelible lipstick; and Preferred Stock toilet goods line for men.
Cyclax: Beauty Pressed Powder.
Dorothy Gray: Sili-Creme Lotion.
Elizabeth Arden: Blue Grass Deodorant Stick; and Kôhl-Arabica.
Frances Denney: Viva Super Masque; Viva Fluid Make-up; Constant Color Lipstick; and Constant Colour Face Powder.
F. W. Hampshire: Dor Deodorant Stick.
Gala of London: Hormone Lotion; Hormone Foundation Cream; Gleam with Hormones; and Base with Hormones.
Germaine Monteil: Super-3 Liquid Cleanser; and Superglow Solid Powder.
Golden Peacock: Hormonex.
Goya: Sombrero Sun Tan Cream.
Hazel Bishop: Compact Make-up; and Liquid Make-up.
Helena Rubinstein: English Complexion Powder and English Complexion Compact Powder available in the USA.
Innoxa: Lip Barrier Cream (UK).
Lancaster: Crème à L’Orange.
Lancôme: Ocean line.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Medicare Stick; Tussy Wind and Weather Lotion; Tussy Wind and Weather Hand Cream; and Tussy Moisture Lotion.
L’Oréal: Colorelle, the first colouring shampoo.
Max Factor: Active Moisturizer; Hi-Fi Fluid Make-up; Hi-Fi Fluid Rouge; and Sebb, a dandruff treatment.
Northam Warren: Cutex Satin Cling Lipstick; and Cutex Sheer Lanolin Lipstick.
Outdoor Girl (Crystal Products): Secret Magic Cream Powder (UK).
Parfums Christian Dior: Produces its first cosmetics.
Procter & Gamble: Crest the first toothpaste to contain flouride.
Revlon: Futurama lipstick cases; Living Lipstick; Touch-and-Glow Face Powder; Clean and Clear; and Silicare Medicated Hand Lotion.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Royal Treatment Cream with royal jelly; and Du Barry Liquid Bloom.
Sofskin: Sofskin Moisture Magic Hand Cream.
Shulton: Bronztan sunscreen.
Yardley: Feather Finish pressed cream powder compact.
1956 |
- American Perfumer and Essential Oil Review changed to American Perfumer and Aromatics.
- New Products:
Barbara Gould: Winter Wonder Lotion.
Clairol: Miss Clairol home hair-colouring kit.
Coty: Vitamin A-D Lotion; French Formula Liquid Make-up; Vitamin Moisture Balancer; and Fairy Princess children’s line.
Charles of the Ritz: Special Formula Emollient.
Cyclax: Neckline; and Colour-Creme Lipsticks.
Dorothy Gray: Foundation 445; Satura Lotion; Sheer Velvet Cleanser; and Sheer Velvet Lipstick.
Elizabeth Arden: Velva Moisture Film; Suntan Cream; and Suntan Lotion.
Estée Lauder: Re-Nutriv; Youth-Dew Translucent Face Powder; Teen Beauty Cleanser; and Teen Powder Compact.
Eylure: Lipfix, a lipstick sealant.
Frances Denney: Multi-Layer Moisturizer; and Visible Pore Kit.
Gala of London: Velvet Touch; Blush Tint; and Vitamin Nail Treatment.
George W. Luft: Tangee Liquid Rouge.
Germaine Monteil: Super-Royal Cream; Super-Smooth Body Lotion; Idol-Eyes Eye Make-up; Suntan Oil; and Tan-Pruf Lotion.
Hazel Bishop: Facial Cleanser in dry and oily forms; and Once a Day Hair Spray.
Helene Curtis: Purse/Spray, the first refillable aerosol.
Helena Rubinstein: Skin Dew available in the USA; Medicated Beauty Treatment; Sportswear Cream; and Young Look lipstick.
Innoxa: Compliment; and Skin Bloom (UK).
Lady Esther: Sheer Flattery cream make-up, and Blemish Stick.
Lancaster: Lait Hydratant.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Dreamy Cleanser; Tussy Satin Blend liquid rouge; and Tussy Budding Beauty.
Max Factor: Hi-Fi lipsticks; and Dri-Mist antiperspirant.
Outdoor Girl (Crystal Products): Magic Touch Liquid Foundation (UK).
Pacquin-Lester: Anti-Detergent Cream hand cream.
Payot: Nimbe de Beauté Poudre.
Revlon: Lustrous Lipstick; Medicated Baby Silicare lotion; and Sun Bath sun tan lotion.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Lotion Superbe; Du Barry Young Promise, Richard Hudnut Bliss; and Richard Hudnut Beauty Curl.
1957 |
- First CIDESCO Beauty Therapy Schools accredited in Belgium, Germany and Switzerland.
- German Society of Cosmetic Chemists formed.
- New Products:
Atkinsons: Skinfare, a skin cream; and Skin Deep Hand Cream.
Charles of the Ritz: Treatment Lipstick; and Eyeshadow Stick.
Chesebrough-Pond’s: Valcreen hair cream in a tube; and Pond’s Angel Touch liquid make-up.
Coty: Fastan and Slotan suntan lotions; and Curl Set hairspray.
Dorothy Gray: Satura Sheen; Abunda; and Velveteen Night Cream.
Elizabeth Arden: Veiled Radiance; and Click-Change Lipsticks.
Estée Lauder: Youth-Dew Translucent Powder Base.
Frances Denney: Creme Supreme with Royal Jelly; Viva with Royal Jelly; Eye Cream with Royal Jelly, Multi-Layer Moisturizer with Royal Jelly; Neck and Contour Blend with Royal Jelly, Invisible Beauty Strap with Royal Jelly; Lipstick with Royal Jelly; Fluid Cream Make-up with Royal Jelly; and Over-Tone Cake Make-Up with Royal Jelly.
Gala of London: Golden Lotion; and Golden Cream.
Goya: Beauty Puff; and Check Stick.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Flowing Formulayer Moisture Balm.
Helena Rubinstein: Mascara-matic; Eye Shadow Stick; Convertible Lipstick Cases; Stay-Moist Lipstick; Illumination Foundation and Face Powder; Tree of Life range; Estrogenic Hormone Cream with Progesterone; Skin Dew Extra-Rich; B-Dry; and Beauty for Life capsules.
Helene Pessl: Fifteen range.
Innoxa: Grecian Lipsticks (UK).
Lady Esther: Dry Skin Cream.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Mascarama lipsticks; and Tussy Roto Magic roll-on deodorant.
Lever Brothers: Dove Beauty Bar.
Marie Earle: Queen Bee Hand and Body Lotion.
Max Factor: Cup of Youth hormone skin cream; Hi-Fi Cream Mascara; Foot Light, a foot spray; and Pre-Electric Shave Lotion for men.
Prince Matchabelli: Polyderm skin cream.
Revlon: Liquid Asset; Touch & Glow Pressed Powder; Waterproof Cream Mascara; Clean and Clear for Very Dry Skin; Seven Wonders; Futurama Compacts; and High and Dri roll-on deodorant.
Outdoor Girl (Crystal Products): Lip Pencil; Silicone Hand Magic; Fresh Magic Jel; Fresh Magic Stick; Fresh Magic Spray; Spray Magic; and Fair Lady Perfume (UK).
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Vibrance Creme Masque; Du Barry Royal Nectar; and Du Barry Creme Mascara.
Shulton: Desert Flower Beauty Clean cleansing lotion.
Westmores: Perfect Touch Finishing Powder.
1958 |
- American Electrology Association founded.
- The first CIDESCO Diploma issued.
- Purchase Tax on cosmetics dropped from 90 to 60% (UK).
- New Products:
Bourjois: Evening in Paris Roll on Deodorant (USA); and Evening in Paris Hand Cream (UK).
Charles of the Ritz: Disaster Cream; and Astringent Cream.
Cyclax: Emollia Skin Food; and Mainly for Men range.
Dorothy Gray: Satura Lipstick; and Beauti-Lash.
Elizabeth Arden: Crème Extrordinaire.
Estée Lauder: Liquid Re-Nutriv; Re-Nutriv Lipsticks; Body Satinée; and Sun Creme.
Frances Denney: Creme Tranquilease.
Gala of London: Finishing Touch Hair Spray; Golden Tan Spray; and Golden Tan Moisturising Lotion.
Germaine Monteil: Super-Royal Lipstick; Mascara Swirl; and Super-Moist Beauty Emulsion.
Goya: Beauty Plus; and Beauty all Day.
Hazel Bishop: Complete eye make-up line including mascara, eye shadow and eye pencil.
Helena Rubinstein: Beauty Dew; Tree of Life Lipstick; Heavenly Glow Compact; Ultra-Matic; Dew-Kissed Lipstick; and Young Touch Hand Lotion.
Innoxa: Cream Powder (UK).
Jacqueline Cochran: Flowing Velvet Super-Rich Cream; and Flowing Velvet Make-up.
Jane Seymour: Wonder Puff.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Beauty Diet.
Maybelline: Magic Mascara, the first filament twisted (spiral) brush automatic mascara.
Max Factor: Facial Bath, a liquid facial cleanser; Hi-Society lipstick; Invisible Make-up; Mascara Wand, the first refillable automatic mascara; and Sun Bliss Suntan.
Northam Warren: Odo-ro-no Satin Sponge.
Noxzema: High Noon suntan lotion.
Outdoor Girl (Crystal Products): Nail Magic; First and Last; Night Extra; and Propelling Eye Pencil (UK).
Payot: Nimbe de Beauté Compact; and Crème Satin.
Revlon: Princess Marcella Borghese line; Moon Drops Moisture Foundation; Thin Down; Wonder Base; Touch and Glow Pressed Powder; Roll-On Mascara, Revlon’s first automatic mascara; Living Curl; Intimate Milk Bath and Intimate Bubble Bath; That Man Cologne; and Top Brass Hair Dressing, Top Brass Deodorant and Top Brass After Shave Lotion.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Royal Balm, Du Barry Royal Eye Crème; Du Barry Royal Velvet Fluid Make-up; Du Barry Royal Lipstick; Du Barry Royal Shampoo; Du Barry Royal Creme Rinse; Du Barry Royal Hair Conditioner; Du Barry Elixir Natale; Du Barry Creme Natale; Du Barry Moisture Petals; Du Barry Cloudsilk Pearled Face Powder; and Du Barry Penetrating Cleanser.
Shulton: Desert Flower Beauty Ice.
Woodbury: Deep Dew.
Yardley: Moisture Make-up, a powder base.
1959 |
- Beauty Without Cruelty founded by Lady Muriel Dowding (UK).
- International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC) formed with Maison G. deNavarre as President.
- Japan Cosmetic Industry Association established.
- Ambre Solaire goes on sale in the U.K.
- New Products:
Antoine de Paris (USA): Creme Vitonia; and Mistone Fluid Make-up.
Barbara Gould: Lash-O-Matic; and Liquid Eyeliners.
Charles of the Ritz: Astringent Foundation; Lustre-Sticks; and Fresh Paint Nail Polish and Remover.
Chesebrough-Pond’s: Pond’s Moisture Base; and Pond’s Flowing Cold Cream.
Coty: Liquid Eye Lights liquid liner, eye shadow and mascara; and Duo-matic automatic mascara and eye crayon in one.
Cyclax: Every Occasion Foundation.
Elizabeth Arden: White Liner; Elizabeth Arden Artificial Eyelashes; Mascarette; Liquid Eye Shado; and Rolling Mirror Lipstick.
Estée Lauder: Lip Liner; Liquid Eyeliner; Shadow Stick; Roll-O-Matic Mascara; and Cool Spray Bath Powder.
Eylure: Liqua-Liner; and Liqua-Liner Brush.
Frances Denney: Lip Moisturizer.
Golden Peacock: Mitchum Anti-perspirant.
Germaine Monteil: Bio-Miracle Cream; Super-Tone Skin Conditioner, Idol Eyes Liquid Eye Liner; and Supersec Flo-Top.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Cristal Facial, a skin freshening jelly.
Helena Rubinstein: Ultra Feminine Face Cream.
Innoxa: Jewelfast Lipsticks (UK).
Jacqueline Cochran: Flowing Velvet Joy of Bathing; Flowing Velvet Eye Cream; Flowing Velvet Pressed Powder; and Flowing Velvet Lipstick.
Jane Seymour: Wonder Base, Wonder Tint, Wonder Lipsticks; and White Wonder.
Kurlash: Evening Eyes eyeshadow; and Automatic Lashtint.
Lancaster: Juvenile Skin.
Lilly Daché: Penetron Treatment Kit.
Max Factor: Iridescent Magic Lipstick; Skin Clear Medicated Cleansers and Skin Clear Medicated Foam.
Northam Warren: Cutex Delicate Lipstick; Cutex Mira-base base coat; and Odo-ro-no Roll-on.
Noxzema: Noxzema Medicated Skin Lotion.
Payot: Crème Amnioderm; Tonique Hydramniotique; and Masque Amnioderm.
Prince Matchabelli: Polyderm Skin Freshener.
Revlon: Ultima face cream; Intimate Hand Lotion; Aquamarine After Bath Freshener; and Aquamarine Milk Bath.
Richard Hudnut: Lip Quick the first ball-point, roll-on lipstick; and Du Barry Flatter Fluff.
Shulton: Ice-O-Derm medicated astringent.
Yardley: Clearskin spot and blemish cream; and Three Beauties Powder, Lipstick and Cream Powder.
1960 |
- Color Additives Act passed (USA).
- American Perfumer and Aromatics becomes American Perfumer and Cosmetics.
- Revlon adds the antibiotic neomycin to its Hi and Dri deodorant.
- New Products:
Atkinsons: Declair cleansing lotion; Vital hair conditioner; Olva hand lotion; and a men’s range.
Barbara Gould: Veil Vitale; Deep Facial Cleanser; and Liquid Humectant Cream.
Charles of the Ritz: APD Ritz Antiperspirant.
Chesebrough-Pond’s: Pond’s Skin Fresh.
Coty: Dermacare medicated treatment kit.
Dorothy Gray: Sun Tan Lotion.
Daggett & Ramsdell: Greenbrier men’s line.
Elizabeth Arden: Eye Shado Stick.
Estée Lauder: Wonderfirm Creme Plastique; and Creamy Milk Bath.
Gala of London: Galamatic Mascara, and Liquid Line.
George W. Luft: Tangee Nail Polish.
Germaine Monteil: Bio-Miracle Make-up; and Royal Secret Luxury Bath range.
Goya: Perfumed Hand Lotion.
Helena Rubinstein: Tree of Life Beauty Bath for Dry skin; Herbessence Cream Cleanser; Biodorant; Bio-Cleanser and Bio-Clear Medicated X Cream.
Helene Curtis: Tender Touch bath oil.
Innoxa: Innoxa No. 22 Lipsticks (UK).
Jacqueline Cochran: Flowing Velvet Radiant Masque; and Satin Foam cream soap.
Jane Seymour: Wonder Cream; Wonder Mascara; Wonder Eye Shadow; and Wonder Automatic Eye Pencil.
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Eye Cue; and Shado-Rama eyeshadow.
Max Factor: Hand and Body Smoothing Lotion; and Sheer Genius liquid make-up.
Outdoor Girl (Crystal Products): Young Set Medicated Day Cream; Young Set Medicated Night Cream; and Over-30 Cream (UK).
Payot: Emulsion Amnioderm; and Fard Satin.
Revlon: Ultima Make-up Collection: Moon Drops Moisturizing Cleanser; and Moon Drops Facial Freshener.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Crème Paradox, and Du Barry Dory Beauty Masque.
Rose Laird: Solution P-5; and Ointment P-5.
Westmores: Genie Lipstick Case.
Yardley: Air-Flow Hand Cream, in pressurised container; and Florentine lipstick case.
1961 |
- Chesebrough-Pond’s introduces Angel Face cosmetics into the U.K.
- New Products:
Alberto-Culver: Derma-Fresh Medicated Hand Lotion.
Bourjois: Evening in Paris Cream Deodorant (USA).
Charles of the Ritz: Dual Lotion.
Coty: 60-Second Facial; Light and Lovely all-in-one-make-up; and Instant Radiance hair colour rinse.
Dorothy Gray: Secret of the Sea; Velveteen Compact; Velveteen Fluid Make-up; and Fashion Slim Lipsticks.
Elizabeth Arden: Secret Cover.
Estée Lauder: Creme Hydro-Tone; and Hydro-Tone Complete Make-up.
Frances Denney: Mother-To-Be Body Lotion; New Life; and New Life Bath Oil.
F. W. Hampshire: Dor Deodorant Spray.
Germaine Monteil: Super-Lumium Lipstick.
Gillette: Right Guard, the first aerosol deodorant.
Goya: Perfumed Cleansing Pads; and Spray Set.
Hazel Bishop: Creme ’N Powder.
Helena Rubinstein: Tree of Life Beauty Bath Oil; Creamessence; Herbessence Collection; Coverfluid; and Clear and Lovely Liquid and Compact Make-up.
Innoxa: Cleansing Cream; Tender Touch; Cheek Glow Cream Rouge; Cream Satin; Satin Bloom; and Liquid Satin (UK).
Jane Seymour: Wonder Set; and Wonder Hand Cream.
Max Factor: Fresh Beauty Moisture Mask; Swedish Formula Hand Cream; Sheer Genius Extra Cover; Finishing Powder; and Nail Satin Nail Polish, Base Coat, Top Coat and Matt Base.
Noxzema: Cover Girl Liquid Make-up; Cover Girl Compressed Powder; and Cover Girl Face Powder.
Payot: Crème Hydriane; and Tayane Fond de Teint.
Prince Matchabelli: Polyderm Moisturising Lotion; Abano Dry Skin Treatment Bath Oil; and Tact stick deodorant/antiperspirant.
Procter & Gamble: Head and Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo.
Revlon: Contempera cream make-up; Eterna 27 skin cream containing pregnenolone acetate; Eye Velvet; Super Lustrous II lipstick; and That Man men’s line.
Sofskin: Sofskin Moisturising Lotion.
Yardley: Beauty Magic, a moisturiser; Sponge and Sparkle, cleansing and toning liquid; and Roll-on Antiperspirant Deodorant for Men.
1962 |
- Franz Greiter introduces the concept of Sun Protection Factor (SPF).
- Chesebrough-Pond’s markets all Pond’s make-up products under the Angel Face trademark.
- New Products:
Chesebrough-Pond’s: Angel Face Galaxy Lipstick; Angel Face Medicated Compact Powder; and Angel Face Medicated Cream Make-up.
Clarins: Tensur Bust bust cream; and Masvelt body shaping cream.
Eylure: Eymatic Mascara; and Fur Lashes.
Helena Rubinstein: Bikini Suntan Lotion; and Fashion Stick lipstick.
Cyclax: Contorfilm.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Body Cream; and Faint Blush.
Estée Lauder: Foundation Film; Powder Film; and Youth Blend Over-Glow.
Frances Denney: Quick Foam; Fade Away; and Anti-Perspirant Plus.
Germaine Monteil: Color Secret; and Color Blend.
Innoxa: Shadow Soft Eye Shadow; and Satin Cream Eye Shadow (UK).
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Medi-Clear; and Tussy Medi-Pat.
Max Factor: Fine line lipsticks; Pure Magic Medicated Cake Make-up; and Pure Magic Medicated Compact Make-up.
Noxzema: Cover Girl Matt Make-up.
Revlon: Natural Wonder medicated make-up range; Blush-On; Wonder Cover; Contempera special formula for dry skin; Moon Drops Extra Emollient Moisture Balm; Sculptura; and Flex protein treatment for hair.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Flatter Magic powder-plus-foundation.
Shulton: Old Spice Outdoor Lotion for men.
Yardley: Special Vitamin Hand Care Cream with vitamins A and D; Flair and Lavender Foam Baths; and Hair-Control Series for Men in cream and lotion.
1963 |
- Le Rouge Baiser lipstick imported into Britain by Warrick Brothers Ltd.
- New Products:
Alberto-Culver: Derma-Fresh Medicated Hand Creme.
Andrew Jergens: Jergens Extra Dry Skin Formula.
Beiersdorf: Nivea Milk.
Bristol-Myers: Ban Cream Deodorant.
Christian Dior: Crème Apricot night cream for nails.
Cyclax: Eternal Spring; Moistura; Beauty Clear Medicated Lotion; Beauty Clear Medicated Powder; and Beauty Tint.
Dorothy Gray: Fashion Touch Foundation.
Elizabeth Arden: Special Cleansing Cream/Complexion Clear; and Sun Control.
Estée Lauder: Aramis range; and Sun Souci Bronzing Foam.
Frances Denney: Neck and Contour Astringent; Neck and Contour Lift; Neo-Classic Night Cream; Strictly for Girls After-shave Spray; Lustre Glow Complexion Tint; Lustre Finish Powder, and Eye Lustre.
Germaine Monteil: Royal Secret Luxury Lotion.
Goya: Golden Girl range; and Crystal Pearl.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Miss Ayer range for young women.
Hazel Bishop: Fantastic lipstick.
Helena Rubinstein: Long-Lash Mascara; and Silk Fashion Liquid Make-up.
Innoxa: Soft Echo Power Rouge; and Living Peach Skin Tonic (UK).
Jacqueline Cochran: Lash-On.
Max Factor: Pure Magic Medicated Liquid Make-up; Golden Woods bath line; California Bronze, a suntan lotion; Pastel Tints Rouge; and Lash-Full Textured Mascara Wand.
Maybelline: Ultra-Lash mascara.
Prince Matchabelli: Polyderm Medicated Skin Freshener.
Revlon: Fabulash.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Paradox Creme Cleanser; and Du Barry Paradox Moisturizing Lotion.
Yardley: Moisture Creme Lipsticks.
1964 |
- New Products:
Barbara Gould: Creme Nocturna.
Bristol-Myers: Mum Aerosol Spray Deodorant.
Carter Products: Arrid Aerosol Spray Deodorant.
Charles of the Ritz: Throat Cream Concentrate.
Chesebrough-Pond’s: Fresh Start medicated cleansing gel; and Angel Face Brush-Alive.
Coty: Line Away albumin wrinkle smoother.
Chefaro Proprietaries: Endocil Hand-care.
Cutex: Forbidden Fruit the first flavoured lipsticks.
Dorothy Gray: Liquessence Lipsticks.
Elizabeth Arden: Ardena Liquid Night Cream; Cake Eye Shado; and Cake Eye Liner.
Estée Lauder: Color Contour.
Eylure: Slimline Fingernails; Sable-Style Eyelashes; and Lash Applicator.
Frances Denney: Cover-up; and Source of Beauty Cream.
Gala of London: Lash-Builder Mascara.
Goya: Golden Girl Magic Moisturiser; Golden Girl Eye Make-up; and Dry Deodorant.
Guerlain: lipsticks for sensitive lips.
Hazel Bishop: Sudden Change albumin wrinkle smoother.
Helene Curtis: Magic Secret albumin-based wrinkle smoother.
Innoxa: Tinted Foundation 41; and Innoxa Medicated Soap (UK).
Jacqueline Cochran: Flowing Velvet Soap.
L’Oréal: Kérastase into salons.
Max Factor: Brush & Brow Eyebrow Make-up; Pastel Glow brush-on face toner; Touch of Youth Wrinkle Smoothing Lotion; Max Factor for Gentlemen; Self-Sharpening Automatic Eye Pencil; and Regency Thin-Line Compacts.
Germaine Monteil: Super Masque.
Noxzema: Cover Girl Lipsticks.
Payot: Crème Hemera.
Prince Matchabelli: Polyderm Bath Oil.
Revlon: Natural Wonder Medicated Cake Make-up; Natural Wonder Disposable Medicated Cleansing Pads; Natural Wonder Total-Care Skin Lotion; Natural Wonder Medicated Blemish Stick; Moon Drops Moisture Balm for Dry, Dry Skin; Moon Drops Toning Lotion for Sensitive Skin; Moon Drops Moisturizing Bath Oil; Moon Drops Facial Mask; Moon Drops Lipstick; Eterna 27 Treatment Collection; and Ultima II make-up line.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Glissando Lipstick.
Rose Laird: Thelane 4.
1965 |
- Guinot develops the Cathiodermie skin treatment.
- New Products:
Andrew Jergens: Jergens Clear Complexion Bar.
Bristol-Myers: Ban Spray Deodorant.
Charles of the Ritz: Auto-Lashique mascara wand; and False eyelashes.
Clairol: Clairol make-up line; and Nice ’n Easy, the first shampoo-in hair colour.
Coty: Veil Naturelle foundation; Cremestick lipstick; Blush Accent cream rouge; Blushette pressed powder rouge; and the Beauty Climate line.
Elizabeth Arden: Color Veil.
Estée Lauder: Enriched Under-Make Up Creme; Glow-In-The-Round; and Lipstick-In-The-Round.
Eylure: Shadoliner; Shadomatte; Shadobrow; Eylight; Folding Eye-Liner Brush; Nailfix Remover; and Corinda Boards.
Frances Denney: Super Quick Foam; Cream Eyelash Make-up; and Incandescent Make-up.
Germaine Monteil: Cake Eye Shadow; Eye Lash Tippers; Beauty Beads; Clarity; Super-Clean; and Facial Brush.
Goya: Blush and Glow; Lipshimmer Lipsticks; and Spray Deodorant.
Helena Rubinstein: Clear and Lovely Medicated Blush; Fashion Matte Eye Shadow; Natural Blush; Telescoping Brush; and Strong and Long nail hardener.
Jacqueline Cochran: Flowing Velvet All Over Velvet.
Max Factor: UltraLucent Fluid Make-up Face Powder and Creme Lipstick; Coiffure Italienne Color Highlight Shampoo; Lip Frosting, highlight and accent for lipsticks; Brush-Tip Mascara Wand; Fashion Lash, false eyelashes; Shadow Play Brush Eye Shadow; Erace Plus; and Royal Regiment men’s line
Revlon: Sweeping Beauty make-up; Colorsilk home hair colourants; and Pub Cologne, After-Shave, and Cologne Spray.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Paradox Milk Bath; Du Barry Paradox Body Crème; Du Barry Paradox After-Bath Dusting Powder; and Du Barry Glissando Eye Color Sticks.
Shulton: CornSilk face powders and blushers.
Unilever: Rexona deodorant/antiperspirant.
Yardley: Lip Slickers; Jaguar men’s line; and Pace Setter, a hair spray.
1966 |
- New Products:
Andrew Jergens: Jergens Hand Cream for Dry skin; and Jergens Clear Complexion Gel.
Charles of the Ritz: Feather-Touch Pressed Powder; Ritual Night Cream; Spotlights liquid make-up; and Miss Ritz range.
Coty: Coty Originals line.
Cyclax: Beauty Clear Medicated Cleanser; Beauty Clear Medicated Night Cream; Beauty Clear Medicated Foundation; Neo Juven for the Neck; and Colour Clear Lipsticks.
Elizabeth Arden: Perfect Finish.
Estée Lauder: Active Skin Lotion; Après Sun; Go-Bronze; Youth Sheen; Glossamer Lip Gloss; and the Nail Enamel Collection.
Eylure: Lash Cleaning Kit.
Frances Denney: Moisturizing Beauty Lift; Incandescent Lipstick; and Play-of-Light.
Gala of London: Fast Lash Mascara; and Velvet Bloom.
Germaine Monteil: Idol-Eyes Eyelashes; Super-Moist Mask; and Beauty Bristles.
Helena Rubinstein: Herbessence Skin Life Throat Cream and Lotion; Clear and Lovely Medicated Matte Make-up; and Beauty Sun Cream.
Innoxa: Living Peach Cleanser; Living Peach Conditioning Cream; and Living Peach Vitamin Beauty Mask (UK).
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Medi-Clear Cleansing Bar.
Jacqueline Cochran: Flowing Velvet Creme Opaline.
Max Factor: UltraLucent Highlights; UltraLucent Pressed Powder; UltraLucent Creme Iridescent Lipsticks; Geminesse skin-care and make-up range; Geminesse Lipsticks; Shadow Creme; and Positive Protection Formula Antiperspirant.
Noxzema: Noxzema Cold Cream.
Payot: Nimbe de Beauté Speciale.
Revlon: Under Make-up Nutrient Crème; Frostlings lipsticks; Crystalline nail enamels; Moon Drops Blushing Silk; and the Braggi men’s line.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Glissando Nail Enamel; Du Barry Bloom Dust-On; and Du Barry Illuminated Bloom Dust-On.
Shulton: Ice-O-Derm Medicated Pads; and Desert Flower Aloe Vera products.
Yardley: Jean Shrimpton line.
1967 |
- New Products:
Andrew Jergens: Jergens Deodorant Soap; Dryad Stick Deodorant; Jergens Clear Complexion Cleanser; Martinique toiletries for men; and Dream Glo Frosted Nail Enamel.
Carter-Wallace: Arrid Extra Dry, the first commercially successful aerosol antiperspirant.
Charles of the Ritz: Liqui-Cream Foundation, Lipstick and Nail Polish; and Novessence skin cream.
Coty: Originals Body Paint; and the Formula E range.
Elizabeth Arden: Moisture Bath; Beauty Sleep; Cream Blush; and Color Clear.
Estée Lauder: Dry Dry Skin Creme; Whipped Cleansing Creme, Dry Dry Skin Astringent; All-Day Eye Creme; All-Day Throat Creme; Wrinkle Stick; Tender Make-up Base; Liquid Glow Tint, Liquid Shadow Tint, and French Beauty Mascara.
Eylure: Disguise, a medicated foundation.
Frances Denney: Robert Denney range.
Gala of London: Velvet Shaper; Velvet Highlighter; Velvet Finisher; Gala False Eyelashes; and Gala Leg Paint.
Germaine Monteil: Superlash Cream; and Eyegleams.
Goya: Lipsheen Lipsticks; and Superlucent Beauty.
Helena Rubinstein: Lightworks make-up range.
Innoxa: Super Jewelfast Lipsticks (UK).
Lesquendieu (Tussy): Tussy Real Girl range.
Max Factor: Shiny Eye Liner; UltraLucent Counter-Shine; UltraLucent Creme Make-up; Geminesse Flowing Cream Make-up; Geminesse Blush Powder; Geminesse Blush Cream; Geminesse Make-up for the Eyes; Tried & True Shampoo-In Permanent Hair Color; and GTO men’s line.
Maybelline: Natural Hair Lashes.
Noxell (Noxzema): Cover Girl Glow Lightly, a brush-on blusher.
Revlon: Face Gleamer; Moon Drops Demi-Makeup; Ultima II Transparent Face Tints; Natural Wonder Oil-Free products for oily or blemished skin; and Patina Eye Shadows.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Shadow Dusters eye shadow; and Du Barry Pearl Glace Lip Lilies.
Yardley: Velvet Skin Moisturiser; and Oatmeal Beauty Treats line.
1968 |
- False eyelashes and fingernails become subject to a 50% purchase tax in the U.K.
- New Products:
Bristol-Myers: Dry Ban aerosol antiperspirant.
Chesebrough-Pond’s: Angel Face Gold-Lightly.
Chefaro Proprietaries: Endocil Skin tonic and Freshener.
Clairol: California Girl cosmetics line; and Numero Uno men’s toiletries line.
Coty: Originals Topless Lipstick.
Cyclax: Beauty Clear Spot Mask; Neo Juven Face Cream; and Neo Juven Deep Cleanser.
Dorothy Gray: Satura Algene.
Elizabeth Arden: Directionale.
Estée Lauder: Clinique range; Re-Nutriv Liquid-Creme Foundation; Re-Nutriv Face Powder; Gentle Facial Shampoo; Facial Milk Rinse; Non-Oily Under-Makeup Creme; Almond Clay Pack; Ultra Violet Screening Creme; Surf Creme; and Greaseless Tanning Spray.
Eylure: Short Trim, Small Size and Long Line Fingernails.
Estée Lauder: Clinique line of cosmetics.
Frances Denney: Super Quick Bar; Super Quick Pack; Super Quick Lotion; Super Quick Cream; Source of Beauty Throat Firmer; Source of Beauty Flowing Masque; Source of Beauty Cleansing Whip; and Source of Beauty Eye Smooth.
Gala of London: Soft Centre Lipstick; and Locked-in Lipstick.
Germaine Monteil: Acti-Vita Cream.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Transparences face powder; and Lotion Florale skin tonic.
Helena Rubinstein: Silk Fashion Minute Make-up; Pat-A-Glow electro-vibrator; Silk Leg and Body Make-up; and Beautylift.
Innoxa: Moisturising Milk 41; Complexion Milk 41; Hair Shampoo 41; Spray Deodorant 41; Skin Shampoo 41; Cover Stick 41; Cream Powder 41 (UK).
Jacqueline Cochran: Urbane Collection.
Lady Esther: Facial Washing Cream.
Max Factor: Erace White; Geminesse Lip Accent Stick; UltraLucent Blusher; UltraLucent Counter-Shine Brush-On Pressed Powder; and UltraLucent Nail Color.
Maybelline: Frosty Whites eyeshadow and eyeliner; and Ultra Liner pressed cake eyeliner.
Noxell (Noxzema): Cover Girl Plus 3, an acne treatment.
Orlane: Crème B21 anti-wrinkle cream with amino acids.
Revlon: Moon Drops Demi Facecare and lipsticks; Natural Wonder Flowing Lotion, Blotting Powder, Blotting Blusher and Un-Lipsticks; Transparents nail enamels; Ultima II Translucent Wrinkle Creme, Deep-Deep Cleansing Foam, and 3-Minute Foaming Facial; Touch & Glow liquid make-up in a roll-on; and Creme Concealer.
Yardley: Khadine, fragrance and bath line; and Next to Nothing make-up range.
1969 |
- Albert Kligman & James Fulton develop Retin-A, a vitamin A derivative known generically as tretinoin, as an acne medication.
- New Products:
Académie: Hypo-Allergique range.
Charles of the Ritz: Firmessence face cream.
Chesebrough-Pond’s: Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion; Pond’s Light Moisturizer; Pond’s Oily Skin Treatment; and Angel Face Blush ’n Glo make-up.
Coty: Ultra Legs leg make-up; Sheer Puffery foundation and blusher; and the Bacchus line of cosmetics for men.
Cyclax: Neo Juven Day Eye Cream.
Elizabeth Arden: Sensitive Skin Cream; and Eyewriter.
Estée Lauder: Azurée; Clinique Very Emolient Cream; and Night Table Creme.
Eylure: Miss Eylure collection; Shadowpearls; Roll-on Mascara; Block Mascara,; Lipstick; Nail Polish; and Eye Magic.
Frances Denney: Source of Beauty Exhilarating Lotion.
Gala of London: Lashmaker; Fibrelash; and Fastlash.
Germaine Monteil: Gel-Rouge; Super Sheen; and Super-Bronze.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Super Moisturising Cleanser; Créme pour le Cou neck and throat cream; and Miss Ayer Rapid Make-up.
Helena Rubinstein: Mykonos Illumination Make-up; Le Lipstick; and Silk Make-up Stick.
Innoxa: Masterstroke mascara (UK).
Lancôme: Bienfait du Matin tinted moisturiser.
Max Factor: Exhilarating Skin Lotion; Stimulating Cleanser; Enriched Night Concentrate; Facial Firm-Up; Thermal Moisturizing Facial; UltraLucent Blusher Stick; Ultralucent Baby Blusher; UltraLucent Whipped Creme Make-Up; UltraLucent Whisper Tint; UltraLucent Cream Center Lipsticks; and Water Power Eye Shadow.
Maybelline: Demi-Lashes false eyelashes; and Professional Eye Liner Brush.
Noxell (Noxzema): Pearlies lipsticks.
Revlon: Etherea hypoallergenic line; Young Blush; Moon Drops Luminesque Cream Blusher; Ultima II Perfect Make-up; Eyecontoure 70; and Natural Wonder acne treatments and hypoallergenic make-up.
Richard Hudnut: Du Barry Lasting Beauty Makeup Finish.
Shulton: CornSilk Complexion Blends; Desert Flower Body Shampoo soapless cleanser; Desert Flower eye cosmetics; and Desert Flower Hand & Body Lotion for Extra-Dry Skin.
Smith, Klein & French: Love cosmetics line.
Yardley: Next to Nothing blush.