
Booklets Project

To help researchers in this area, scans of booklets put out by cosmetic companies in the first half or so of the twentieth century are being put online. If you have booklets you could scan to contribute to this project please email me for further details.

Note: DATE: published date included with the booklet; EST: estimated date of publication; PAGES: does not include the inside or outside of the front or back cover; SIZE: in centimetres to the nearest whole number.


DateEstTitlePages  SizeOrigin Comments
1936Blue and gold toiletriesUSA
1936Be beautiful88x12UK


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1929Du culte de beauté FRA
1934Guide de beauté 4812x16FRA

Agnes Sorel

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1930Beauty notes 1210x13USA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1959Carefree beautyUSA

Andrew Jergens

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1927Your skin and its careYour skin and its care89x13USAMentioned in Photoplay.

Angela Verona

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1928Aids to beauty USA

Ann Delafield

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1953For men onlyAppetite reducing planUSA
1953For men onlyFor men onlyUSAFour-panel fold out.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1932Antoine methodAntoine de Paris his method3613x10USA
1933La BeautéFRA
1934Conseils d’AntoineFRAMentioned in Antoine Document.
1934La beauté par Antoine FRATraining booklet.
1940Brunir USAMentioned in American Vogue.
1949Conseils d'Antoine'Conseils d’Antoine649x13FRA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1922Creed of beautyUSA
1923Savoly K Y XUSAFold out.
1923Looking your bestUSA
1926The pleasure of new experienceUSA
1927How do I lookHow do I look248x13USA
1928The ten-minute-a-day beauty treatmentUSA
1929Find YourselfFind yourself3614x22USA
1932Really lovely but she did not knowReally lovely but she did not know1211x13USA
1935Cosmetics their purpose and proper useCosmetics: Their purpose and proper use2414x21USAWith supplement and inserts.
1936Give your face cream the cold water test10x17USAFold out for Armand Blended Cream.
1941On the face powder and face cream questionUSA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1932An anthology of perfumesUKMentioned in Chemist & Druggist.
1953Beauty is fashion2013x20UKWith undated price list.
1953Your skin must have moisture to stay young & lovely13x20UKFold out.
1953Beauty salon price list11x20UKThree-panel fold out.
1955Spectacle beauty414x21UKSubtitled ‘Make-up for the woman who wears glasses’.
1964Basis for beautyUK

Barbara Gould

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1928The art of creative beautyUSA
1930Any woman can look lovelier3611x14UKAlso USA.
1931Any woman can look lovelierAny woman can look lovelier3611x14USA
1931Hands that express beautyUSA
1935Any woman can look lovelierAny woman can look lovelier3211x14USADifferent cover and text to earlier editions. New editions yearly to at least 1940.
1936Any woman can look lovelier5210x14USADifferent cover and content.
1938The way to lovelinessUSAAlso 1939.
1940Any woman can look lovelierAny woman can look lovelier4810x14USA
1944Enjoy your beautyUSA
1946Your appearance countsUSA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1947BienaimeParfums Bienaime5224x31FRACommercial catalogue.
Available at the Forney Library.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1936BoncillaWonderstoen. Dry method12x18USACame with product.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1924The way to beauty467x11USA

Bonnie Bell

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1960Bonne Bell’s Beauty Basics1215x24USA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1936Beauty2011x16 UKAlso 1939.
1950The number seven way to loveliness3611x16UK
1952Beauty – morning noon and nightUK
1957Now is the time to look lovelyUK
1963Number seven price listUK
1963Number seven – your guide to beauty209x16UK


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1921Why did they love her?USA
1924Les secrets de Babette19x25FRA
1924What every woman does not knowUSA
1929Art de la toiletteL’art de la toilette 169x13UKMentioned in Chemist & Druggist. Original from the Te Awamutu Museum, New Zealand.
1932Le charme de BabetteFRAMentioned in Comoedia.
1933Toilet soaps1013x23UKTrade/Retail Prices. Three-panel fold out.
1934Toilet soapsToilet soaps1013x20UKTrade/Retail Prices.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1927Boyer beauty booklet 2410x15USA

Cara Nome

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1927Cara Nome master perfumerCara Nome: A master perfumer1211x13USA
1930Twenty-four hours 2412x17USA
1930Cara Nome – the secret of real beauty127x8USA
1935Magic minutes with Cara Nome 167x8USA
1937Yourself, your mirror and Cara Nome 2012x17USA
1950Sales manual 6214x19USA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1886ChamplinsBeauty’s boudoir: Useful toilet hints1211x14USA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1930ChanelLes Parfums Chanel1612x14FRACommercial catalogue.
Available at the Forney Library.
1936Do you know Chanel? USA
1950No title USANo. 5 Perfume on Cover. Three-panel fold out.

Charles Antell

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1956Charles Antell presents your glamour-graph by Ern WestmoreCharles Antell presents your glamour-graph by Ern Westmore1618x13USAIncluded with the Charles Antell Hollywood Make-up Kit.

Charles of the Ritz

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1929The four secrets of youthful beautyUSAMentioned in US Vogue.
1932Beauty in the modern modeBeauty in the modern mode4812x15USA
1939Beauty in the modern modeBeauty in the modern mode2410x15UKIncludes separate price list.
1941Personalized beauty carePersonalized beauty care9x15USAFolder made up of six three-fold pamphlets plus insert.
1961Personalized beauty careSales Manual9916x23USAIn six sections. Only printed on the front side of each page. Used by sales staff.
1972Creative colour system1012x12UK


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1926The real youthful youUSAMentioned in American Vogue.
1928Precious beauty secretsUSAMentioned in Photoplay.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1965CinematiqueCinematique1214x19USAAlso order mail-order form.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1937“Marked girl” The story of Elinor HoltUSA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1904Comfort and luxury for the modern homeUSA
1917Colgate Revised price listRevised price list4USA
1919The story of fragranceUSAMentioned in Vogue.
1926The way to lovelinessThe way to loveliness127x7USA
1926Nature’s way to lovely skinUSAMentioned in Photoplay.

Contouré Laboratories

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1929Science speaks to youthUSAMentioned in Photoplay.
1940Beauty care by ContouréUSA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1922A guide to the expression of personality in perfumeUSAMentioned in Harper’s Bazaar.
1923The art of perfumeUSA
1924The art of using powderUSA
1926The finesse of perfumeUSA
1927Revealing BeautyRevealing beauty166x8USA
1927Coty gift creationsUK
1928Colcreme CotyUSA
1928Finesse of beautyUSA
1928Types and shadesUK
1929Coty Subtle Art of Make-upThe subtle art of make-up811x14USA
1929“Rouge” USAIllustrated by Charles Dana Gibson. Mentioned in The New Yorker.
1929Culturiste creations3613x17USA
1930Diversity in beautyUSAMentioned in The New Yorker.
1930Suggestions (gift ideas)USA
1930Flower perfumes205x8UK
1930Coty gifts of value and tasteUK
1931Lip secretsUSAMentioned in US Vogue.
1934The Coty way to greater charmUK
1935Les Creations CotyFRAMentioned in Hairdresser and Beauty Trade.
1936Winning ways with perfumeUSAMentioned in US Vogue. Also 1939.
1936Coty Dutch BeauteDe nieuwe weg naar schoonheid1214x18NL
1936Coty Le chemin de la BeauteLe chemin de la beauté1414x19FRAMentioned in Paris Vogue.
1937Is Your Skin Really CleanIs your skin really clean?48x16UK
1937Coty calavoThe secret of Coty avocado preparations27x16UK
1937Coty Sooner or LaterSooner or later28x13UKFold out leaflet about Wrinkle Cream, includes price list.
1940The psychological significance of perfumeUK
1949How to live a fragrant lifeUSAMentioned in LIFE.
1950The art of being simply beautiful
1954How to choose fine perfumeUSA
1955Let us teach you to be beautifulUK
1956She’s dreaming of a Coty christmas13x17UKThree-panel fold out.
1959Coty for Fragrant BeautyCoty for fragrant beauty2016x20UK
1960Talk about teen-troubled skinUSA
1960Coty dermacare128x11USA
1962Festival of colourUK
1962Your passport to beautyUSA
1963The Coty way to a prettier youUSA

Cover Girl

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1969Your winning look by Cover GirlYour winning look by Cover Girl416x17USA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1932The amazing story of CovermarkThe amazing story of Covermark1213x19USA
19361936 CovermarkThe modern miracle3210x13USALast page and back cover blank.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1918The care of the nails nails126x8USA
1922How to have lovely nailsUSA
19261926 CutexCutexUSA
19271927 The correct way to manicureThe correct way to manicure12 8x6USACame in a box of Cutex Cake Polish.
/td>1929Flatter your handsUSA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1908The cultivation and preservation of natural beauty6012x18UK
19121912 The cultivation and preservation of natural beautyThe cultivation and preservation of natural beauty5412x18UKSome additional blank pages.
1919The cultivation and preservation of natural beautyUKDe lux Edition. Mentioned in The Tatler.
1923The cultivation and preservation of natural beauty60UKAlso 1925.
1924The art of using powderUSA
1927The Cyclax way to lovelinessUKMentioned in The Sketch.
1928The art of being lovelyUKMentioned in The Sketch.
1934Guide to CyclaxUK
1935The art of being lovely2nd Edition.
19351935 Towards beauty Four informal talksTowards beauty: Four informal talks4814x19UK
1936Six lessons in lovelinessUK
1937The art of being lovelyThe art of being lovely3211x15AUS3rd Edition.
1938The art of being lovelyThe art of being lovely3611x15UK4th Edition. Also printed in Australia.
1942The art of being lovely30UK5th Edition.
1943The art of being lovelyThe art of being lovely2411x15USACover reads Cyclax of London.
19561956 Skin care and lovelinessSkin care and loveliness1612x15UK
1963Cyclax gifts make Christmas dreams come trueCyclax gifts make Christmas dreams come trueAUS
1963Emolia9x13UKFold out.
1963Eternal spring9x11UKFold out.
1963Special lotion9x13UKFold out.

Daggett & Ramsdell

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1908The touch of time1613x5USA
19111911 Daggett and Ramsdells Perfect Cold CreamDaggett & Ramsdell’s perfect cold cream169x16USA
1912An aid to personal beautyUSA
1912The care of the skinUSAMentioned in The Cosmopolitan.
1914Beware the finger of timeUSA
1926Beauty interviews with famous skin specialistsUSA
1929Perfecting your skinUSA
1934Beauty at the fair1612x9USA1934 Chicago Century of Progress Exposition.
19341934 Tuning in with beautyTuning in with beauty3211x15USA
1936New beauty preparationsUSA
1937Beauty aidsUSA
1939Golden gate to beauty1614x9USAProduced for the Golden Gate International Exposition, San Francisco.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1938Lessons in loveliness by DearbornLessons in loveliness by Dearborn2010x13UK


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1890Parfumerie du monde elegant DelettrezLes parfumerie du monde élégant, Delettrez9812x14FRACommercial catalogue.
Available at the Forney Library.
1900ParfumeurDelettrez Parfumeur23817x25FRACommercial catalogue.
Available at the Forney Library.

Dermic Laboratories

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1933Beauty: Womans most precious giftBeauty: Woman’s most precious gift1611x13USA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1937The moon is made of green cheeseUSAMentioned in Hollywood.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1927Doraldina’s Allura originates the ensemble fashion requiring harmony of complexion and clothing108x13USA
1933Doraldina presents fashions in cosmetics1012x14USA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1893Fards rouges and blancs de DorinFards rouges & blancs de Dorin9220x26FRACommercial catalogue..
Available at the Forney Library.
1919What is your coloring?127x10USA

Dorothy Gray

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
19261926 Story of Dorothy GrayThe story of Dorothy Gray32USAA number of editions produced between 1923 and 1927.
1927The treatment for lines and wrinklesUSAMentioned in Vogue
1927The treatment for double chinsUSAMentioned in Vogue
1927The treatment for relaxed muscles and crêpy throatUSAMentioned in Vogue
19291930 Your dowry of beautyYour dowry of beauty4811x15USA
1930The ABC of Dorothy GrayUSA
19301929 Your dowry of beautyYour dowry of beauty40USAA digital photocopy available at the Hagley Library. Also 1931, 1932, 1933.
1934How to use the new make-up12x16USAThree-panel fold out. Mentioned in Vogue. Also 1935.
1935Your lovely skinUSAMentioned in Vogue. With leaflet: How to use the new make-up. Also 1936, 1940.
1936Which is your skin tone?USAMentioned in Vogue.
1937Dorothy Gray make-up folderUSA
1939Your Lovely SkinYour lovely skin3611x14UKMost likely the same as the US version but with UK prices. Also 1934, 1935.
1940Help yourselfUSAMentioned in AP&EOR.
1945Design for the right look
1952Rule of threeUK
1954Trust Dorothy GrayTrust Dorothy Gray168x15UKIncludes 1954 price list.
1954Dorothy Gray Salon Cold Cream cleanses fasterSalon cold cream cleanses 2½ times faster49x14USAIncluded with Sales Training Course.
1954Dorothy Gray Sales HelpBasic treatment sales help1321x26UKTraining manual. Single sided plus insert.
1955Dorothy Gray Sales Training CourseSales training course1822x28USATraining manual. Single sided.
1958Blueprint for BeautyBlueprint for beauty89x11UKIncludes 1958 price list.
1963How to make the most of your natural beautyHow to make the most of your natural beauty209x15AUS
1965Clear skin programAUSMentioned in the Australian Women’s Weekly.
1966How to help your client make the most of her natural beauty24UKIncludes shade guide.
1969The Dorothy Gray how-to make-up book810x16USA

Dubarry et Cie

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1918Dubarry fine perfumes and toilet luxuriesUKHole punched?
1919Parfumerie DubarryUKMentioned in The Tatler.
There were later editions through the 1920s.
1921Holiday and toilet requisites UKMentioned in Country Life.
1922Christmas giftsUKThese were issued annually.
1934RaptureRapture a new perfume by Dubarry221x14UKFold out

Du Barry

 See Richard Hudnut

Edna Wallace Hopper

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1923My beautyHow I keep young at my grand old age 129x14USANew version in 1925.
1925How I keep young at my grand old age USAUpdated version.
1926My beautyMy beauty129x15USA
1934How to regain youth USAMentioned in Motion Picture Herald.

Eleanor Adair

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1904How to Retain and Restore Youthful Beauty of Face and FormUKMentioned in The Bystander.
1907Conférences sur la culture scientifique de la beauté physiqueFRA
1923Beauty lore of East and WestUSA
1923How to retail and retore the youthful beauty of face and formUKMentioned in The Tatler.
1924For Ganesh health and beautyUKMentioned in The Tatler.
1925Book of sketches for home treatmentsUKMentioned in The Bystander.
1934Facial and eye home exercisesUKMentioned in The Bystander.
1936Aids to beauty cultureUKMentioned in The Bystander.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1928Who wants a beautiful complexion? USA

Elizabeth Arden

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1911The quest of the beautifulUSAMentioned in The Smart Set.
1920The quest of the BeautifulThe quest of the beautiful3210x15USA
1920Your masterpiece – yourselfUSAMentioned in Vogue.
1920Beauty for the busy womanBeauty for the busy womanUSAAvailable at the Hagley Library.
1923The quest of the BeautifulThe quest of the beautiful4810x15USA
1923Elizabeth Arden’s beauty boxes 1210x15USANo title on front cover.
1924The quest of the beautifulUK
1924Exercises for health and beautyExercises for health and beauty1812x17UKBooklet suggests doing the exercises to 3 records available from the salon.
1925How to reduce fat in spotsUKMentioned in The Tatler.
1925The quest of the beautiful48USA
1926The quest of the beautiful5210x15USALast page blank.
1927The quest of the beautifulUSA
1927Beauty for the busy womanUSAFold out.
1927A naturally clear fine skinA naturally clear fine skin is lovelier than cosmetics or art can make it1210x15USA
1928A naturally clear fine skinA naturally clear fine skin is lovelier than cosmetics or art can make it1210x15USA
1928General care of the hairUSA
1928General care of the handsUSA
1928My Venetian toilet preparations8x15USATwo-panel fold out.
19281928 Elizabeth ArdenThe quest of the beautiful5210x15USAAvailable at
1928Your masterpiece – yourself: How to cultivate beauty and charm as taught by the Elizabeth Arden home courseUSA
1929The quest of the beautiful4810x15USA
1930The quest of the beautiful5210x15USA
1930The Elizabeth Arden exercises for health and beautyUSA
1931Steps in lovelinessUSAFour small brochures.
1931Color harmony bookUSA
1932To tan or not to tanElizabeth Arden’s little book of instructions209x13UK
1933Cleansing the skinUSA
1933Economy questionnaireUK
1934Sweeping the year awayUK
1934UntitledUSAFeatures perfumes.
1934Braun warden over nicht410x13GERSummer and tanning products.
1934Key to lovelinessUK
1935Beauty for the busy woman9x15USAFour-panel fold out.
1935The art of make-upUK
1935Hand in hand with fashionUK
1935Professional information about screen stage make-upUSAScreen • Stage Make-up Laboratories.
1936See for yourselfUK
1936Macquillages harmonitesUSA50¢ or free if spent $5.00.
1936Farewell to ageUKBook.
1936To tan or not to tanTo tan or not to tan?10x15UKFold out.
1936Art in cosmeticsArt in cosmetics11x14UKFold out. Mentioned in The Tatler.
1936The beginning of beauty: Lectures on loveliness No. 1811x15USA
1937Quest of the BeautifulThe quest of the beautiful9610x15UKText pages 1-83. Last 13 pages for personal notes.
1937Elizabeth Arden face moulding home treatmentUSACame with the Face Molding Kit.
1937Elizabeth Arden presents “Stage and screen make-up”USA
1937Professional informationUSAStage and screen make-up.
193855 minutes to beauty
1938Sun and ShadowUK
1939Maine Chance in townUSAMentioned in The New Yorker.
1939Quest of the BeautifulFoundations of beauty: A little book of instructions308x14UK
1941Never is a woman so supreme as when she is at her loveliest9x15USAFold out.
1941Magenta9x14USAFold out with prices of Magenta range on back page.
1941Victory RedVictory Red8x14USAFold out.
1942Patriot’s WalkUSAMentioned in The New Yorker.
19431943 On the doubleOn the double12USAAvailable at the Hagley Library.
1944Why two powders are better than oneWhy two powders are better than one42x6USASeven-panel fold out.
1944Cleanse, refresh smoothCleanse refresh smooth45x16USAFive-panel fold out.
1947Elizabeth Arden essentials9x15USAFold out.
1949Every age can be beautifulUK
1949Key your make-up to your lipstickUK
19501950 Christmas gifts of beauty10x16UKFold out.
1952How I Sell my PreparationsHow I sell my preparations4812x18UKUsed by sales staff.
1953The way to beauty3210x15UK
1955The Way to BeautyThe way to beauty3610x15UK
1957Take care to be lovely9x15UKThree-panel fold out.
1958Retail price list (June)UK
1958Libretto Istruzioni4410x15ITACover similar to c.1955 Way to Beauty, but products/text different.
1958Way to BeautyThe way to beauty3212x16AUS
1958Arden for men20x27FRATwo-panel fold out on card.
1959Salon TreatmentsSalon treatments410x15UK
1961Pulire, tonificare, nutrire2010x15ITA
1963Beauty for the bride
1965Colour harmony make-up12x17UKTwo-panel fold out and shade chart.
1965The way to beauty4410x15UKText pages 1-42 plus 2 pages headed ‘Notes’.
1967The way to beauty4410x15UK
1968Way to BeautyThe way to beauty4212x16AUS
1968Introduction to loveliness11x15UKFour-panel fold out.
1975The art of pencil make-up10x10UKSix-panel vertical fold out.

Elizabeth Bock

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1936The path to beauty UK


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1931The way to lovelinessThe way to loveliness by Elmo88x16USA
1936Beauty today and tomorrowBeauty – today and tomorrow1611x15USA

Estée Lauder

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1960How can Estee Lauder help you look youngerHow can Estée Lauder help you look younger2012x15USA
1963The daylight look13x18UKFold out
1963How Estee Lauder can help you look youngerHow Estée Lauder can help you look younger2012x15USA
1968Estee Lauder Fresh-Water Treatment EssentialsFive fresh-water treatment essentials from Estée Lauder1212x15USA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1963LashfixFixing your eyelashes9x14UKThree-panel fold out. Eylure as distributed by Natone in the USA.

Fifth Avenue

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1939Natural beautyUK


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1959FlorosFloros21x30UKProduct inclusion.

Frances Denney

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1930Frances Denney presents her herbal preparationsFrances Denney presents her herbal preparations1613x11USA
1933Affairs of BeautyThe affairs of beauty3213x11USAMentioned in Vogue. Also 1928, 1929, 1930.
1939Dramatic colors demand dramatic make-up!USAMentioned in American Perfumer.
1944New guide book to beautyUSA
1946More beauty for you. Guide book to beautyUSA
1950Vexing beauty problemUSAMentioned in LIFE.
1953You can be more beautifulUSA
1962The lovely AmericanUSA
1968The lovely americanThe lovely American1612x17USA
1969Frances DenneyFrances Denney1612x17USA

Frances Ingram

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1929Only health skin can stay young USAAlso 1930, 1931.
1931Tells how to keep your skin healthy, clear and young USAFour-panel fold out.

F. W. Hampshire

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1950LashfixA Bride’s Beauty Secrets1212x14UK
1954Snowfire Wave Set will do this for you UKMentioned in Picturegoer.

Germaine Monteil

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1935Germaine Monteil couture cosmetiques USA
1937Germaine Monteil CosmetiquesGermaine Monteil cosmetiques44 12x15USA
1939Beauty is not a gift . . . it’s a habitUSA
1953Anatome fluid make-upAnatome fluid make-up5x10USA
1958Simple steps to beautySimple steps to beauty2013x17USA
1961Treatment for troubled skinTreatment for troubled skin15x22UK
1964The creative make-up of Germaine MonteilThe creative make-up of Germaine Monteil3214x18USA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1920The Magic of Beautiful Hands USAMentioned in Vogue.
1930Lovely Eloquent Hands USAMentioned in Motion Picture.

Golden Peacock

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1928Marie Davants famous 5-minute beauty treatmentsMarie Davant’s famous 5-minute beauty treatments2011x18USA
1938Golden Peacock Bleach CremeGolden Peacock bleach creme27x13USATwo-panel fold out. Included with a box of face powder.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1934Guerlain present their new beauty productsUSAMentioned in Vogue.
1936Beauty de luxeUSA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1942A womans secretsHow to make up for all black & white photography with Powd’r-Base128x11USAInsert with a make-up kit.

Harriet Hubbard Ayer

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1910Perpetual youth and how to keep itUSA
1928A womans secretsA woman’s secrets3613x13UKAlso 1929.
1928All for beauty40 11x16USA
1931Retail price list (Jan)UK
1932All for beautyUSAMentioned in Vogue. Also 1930, 1931.
1933All for beauty48 11x16USAAlso 1934.
1933Be your own beauty specialist211x20UKPamphlet. Subtitled Home care of the normal skin and normal scalp.
1933Retail price list (Oct)UK
1934All for beautyAll for beauty4811x16CANContains 1939 Price list.
1934Beauty is as beauty does2410x14USA
1933Beauty under twentyBeauty under twenty2812x15USAMentioned in US Vogue 1934. Also 1935.
1934All for beauty48 11x16USA
1936Retail price list (Apr)UK
1936Beauty preparations and perfumes110x18UKMeasurements are in folded up single sheet. Facial exercises on one side, products on other. Printed in Canada.
1937The Ayer way to beauty4 11x13UK
1937Retail price list (Sept)UK
1938The Ayer way to beautyUK
1938The Ayer way to beauty810x16USAMentioned in Vogue.
1938Accent on youAccent on you815x12USA
1938Make-up patternsMake-up patterns 40x16USA
1939Ten beauty lessonsUSA
1939Make-up patternsUSASame as c.1938 brochure but dated and with prices.
1940Care color frarganceCare + color + fragrance = beauty2412x15USA
1952Lessons in beautyLessons in beauty1610x16
1954Naturliche schonheitNatürliche schönheit2811x15GERContains Schönheits-pass (Beauty matching) card dated 1954.
1956Simple guides to beautySimple guides to beauty48x12UKEight-panel brochure. Selfridges banner on front. Printed in France.
1962Peux sensibles/Delicate skin8x14FRAFive-panel fold out in French and English.

Hattie Carnegie

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1945Cosmetics, perfumes2014x14USAIncludes a separate list of stockists.

Helena Rubinstein

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1903The guide to beautyAUSMentioned in The Argus.
1908Beauty in the making6814x21UK
1915Beauty in the MakingBeauty in the making4014x22USARevised American Edition.
1921Secrets of BeautySecrets of beauty5213x11UKAt least 5 editions.
1923Beauty for everywomanUSAMentioned in Motion Picture.
1923Beauty touchesUKMentioned in Elmira Star Gazette.
1923Secrets of beautyUKMentioned in The Tatler.
1925The secrets of the perfect make-upUSAMentioned in Photoplay.
1926The fine art of making-upUSAMentioned in Photoplay.
1926Secrets of beautyUSAMentioned in Motion Picture Magazine.
1926Beauty for everywomanUKMentioned in The Play Pictorial.
1928Personality Make-upPersonality make-up128x12USA
1928Eyes Forever YoungEyes forever young128x10USA
1929Three steps to beautyUSAMentioned in Screenland
1929The secret of beautiful hair1810x13USAValaze Products.
1930Beauty in the MakingBeauty in the making4810x13USA2 versions with slightly different text; also one has a photo of HR on the inside front cover, one does not.
1930Beauty MasksBeauty masks410x13USA
1931Beauty in the making4810x13USAAlso 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938. Mentioned in Vogue.
1931Beauty for youBeauty for you248x14USA
1931Summer beauty guideSummer beauty guide25x12USAThree-panel fold out.
1931Make-up magicUSAMentioned in Vogue.
1932The hormone twinsThe hormone twins88x12USA
1932Fall & winter beauty for you9x14USAThree-panel fold out.
1932Your autumn beauty guideYour autumn beauty guide8x14USAThree-panel fold out.
1933Spring beauty guide9x14USAThree-panel fold out.
1933How I use my pasteurized face creamHow I use my pasteurized face cream7x14USAThree-panel fold out.
1934Sunproof your beautyUSAMentioned in The New Yorker
1934Body beautiful treatmentMentioned in Vogue.
1935Secrets of beauty
1935Three steps to beauty206x12USA
1935Eyes forever youngUK
1935Make-up magicUK
1935Your cosmetic portrait249x12USA
1937Recipe for winter beautyUSA
1937Beauty in the makingBeauty in the making5210x13UK
1937New youth for tired, tired eyesUK
1937Three print make-up chartUSA
1937Three ways to choose make-upUSA
1938Bisque tanUSA
1938Town and country face powderUSANo title.
1938Apple blossom fragranceApple blossom fragrance 14x23UKVertical three-fold.
1939Beauty for youUSAMentioned in Vogue. Also 1940.
1939Beauty for youBeauty for you5610x13AUS
1939Beauty in the making168x10USA
1939Backgrounds to beauty—Making the most of them!USAMentioned in Bride’s House.
1940Beauty for you8010x13USA
1940A glamorous makeup for youUSA
1942Apple red8x14USAThree-panel fold out.
1943Grow lovelier with the yearsUSA
1945Medium-brownMedium-brown?8x14USAColor-Spectrograph. Five-panel fold out. One of a series.
1946It’s heaven sent8x15USATwo-panel fold out packasged with powder.
1946Beauty for youBeauty for you649x12AUS
1947Lipstick four-cast5x8USA
1947A new and lovelier youA new and lovelier you6411x14USA
1947Clues and cues to a lovelier young skinClues & cues to a lovelier young skin20x28USAFold out.
1949Wonder CourseWonder course: Diet calendar425x20USAPart of the Wonder Course.
1949Wonder CourseWonder course: ABC’s of skin care1220x25USAPart of the Wonder Course.
1949Wonder CourseWonder course: Make-up palette1220x25USAPart of the Wonder Course.
1949You can be more beautifulAUSMentioned in Women’s Weekly.
1949Tone-on-tone technique15x15USAEight-panel fold out.
19507-day beauty plan3220x26USAPrice $1.00
1951Beauty for youA magic 3 steps to beauty by Helena Rubinstein12x18USBrochure
1951Headlines for your hairHeadlines for your hair812x10AUSMentioned in Sydney Morning Herald.
1951How to wow the stagline812x17USABeauty advice to teens.
1951A new focus on eye beauty1413x18USAFifth Avenue spectacles.
1951Beauty takes silkUK
1952How to solve your beauty problems12x16USA
1952Beauty for youBeauty for you: Every woman’s ABC of skin care, hair care and make-up5010x16AUS
1952Simple beauty by Helena Rubinstein187x14UK
1953Five coolest heads of summer2013x17USA
1953Secrets of a BlondeUSA
1954How to solve your beauty problemsHow to solve your beauty problems2412x16CANDiffers from earlier USA version.
1956Beauty for youBeauty for you: Every woman’s ABC of skin care, hair care and make-up6012x16AUS
1957The 24 hour Skin Dew treatmentUSA
1958Price list (June)
1958How to be beautiful always by Helena RubinsteinUK
1958Heavenly gifts2411x14UK
1959Helena Rubinstein shows you how to shape a beautiful mouthUSA
1960The hormones that make you every inch a womanUSA
1960Make-up à la hair colorUSA
1961Your “Make-up to your hair color guide”18x21USAThree-panel fold out. 3/61 on back.
1967Beauty preparations2422x28USA
1969Your guide to the beautiful life with Herbessence preparationsYour guide to the beautiful life with Herbessence preparations1213x20USA
1970Your guide to the beautiful life with Herbessence preparationsYour guide to the beautiful life with Herbessence preparations1211x20AUS


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1929Hi-Ja beauty aidsHi-Ja beauty aids165x8USAIncluded in a box of cold cream face powder.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1919Hinds ProductsHinds honey and almond cream and other toilet requisites23x8USAFour-panel fold out.
1921The girl who loved the beautifulUSA
1921Hinds ProductsHinds honey and almond cream and other toilet requisites23x8USAFour-panel fold out.
1922In beauty land814x19USA

Hirestra Laboratories (Endocreme)

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1937Lady be youngUSAMentioned in Vogue.
1937EndocremeAnswers to questions your customers will ask about Endocreme414x22USASales Manual.
1941What users think of EndocremeUSAMentioned in Vogue.

Hollywood Lipstick Applicator

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1949Glamour LipsGlamour lips 12x20USAFold out. Came with a lipstick applicator.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1925Things perfumes whisperThings perfumes whisper2410x14USA
1933Dull finish make-upDull finish make-up 8x14USAThree-panel fold-out
1958Conway’s television flower arrangementsUSA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1908How to tell a good creamUKMentioned in the Sphere.
1912Art guide to beautyUKMentioned in the Sketch.
1915The Icilma way to beautyUKMentioned in the Sketch.
1916Toilet hints and beauty treatmentsUKMentioned in the Sketch.
1924Preparations for the toiletPreparations for the toilet407x13UK
1928Beauty treatmentUK
1933The art of make-up and the care of beautyUKMentioned in Britannia & Eve.
1947Three point plan for a loverly complexionUK
1950Poem personal colour guideUK


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1918Vers la beautéFRA
1930The secret of a perfect complexionUKAlso 1928.
1930The cult of healthful beautyMentioned in The Tatler.
1932Innoxa guide to beautyUK
1933Beauty by cultureBeauty by culture3211x14UKAlso 1932, 1934 & 1936.
1933Innoxa beauty guide colourscope and home treatment chartUK
1935Grow lovelierUKMentioned in Britannia & Eve. Includes make-up colourscope. Also 1938.
1936Innoxa generic beauty treatmentUK
1937Gift creationsUK
1937Beauty guide No. 12UK
1937Gifts of lovelinessUK
1938Natural lovelinessUK
1940Can your face keep a secret?UKMentioned in The Tatler.
1948Innoxa personal beauty planInnoxa personal beauty plan and make-up chart811x16UK
195251 & 71 barrier creams8x13UKFold out.
1952Christmas gifts by Innoxa48x13UK
1953The Innoxa approachUKMentioned in Chemist & Druggist. Went through numerous editions.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1928Toilet requisites248x11USAJ. C. Penny.

Jacqueline Cochran

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1939Wings to beautyUSAMentioned in The New Yorker. Also 1941 edition.

Jane Seymour

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1933The science and art of lovelinessUKMentioned in The Sketch.
1935Speaking franklyUKMentioned in Britannia & Eve


 See Andrew Jergens

John Robert Powers

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1952Secrets of the Power girlsUSA

Kathleen Mary Quinlan

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1917The secret of beautyUSAMentioned in Vogue.
1921Lest beauty pass you byUSAMentioned in Vogue.
1924Your beauty time and how to use itUSAMentioned in Vogue.
1925How I make my creams and lotionsUSAMentioned in Vogue.
1926Youth for tired eyesUSAMentioned in Vogue.
1930Your eyes—Guard their youth and beauty. Eye exercisesUSA
1930Dry and sensitive skin requires special careDry and sensitive skin—requires special care14x10USATwo-panel fold out with prices on reverse.
1930Oily skin—a beauty fault—it can be overcome.USA
1930Double chin and sagging muscles—do not have them.USA
1930Blackheads and enlarged pores—you need not have them.USA
1930Sallowness! Freckles and faded tan—how to banish them.USA
1930Acne! How to soothe and relieve itUSA
1930The art of make-upUSAMentioned in the Evening Star.
1930A complexion like lily petals in sunlightUSA
1930Tired beauty awakesUSA
1934Youth for tired eyesUSAMentions Quinlan Eye Kit.
1935Kathleen Mary Quinlan advisesKathleen Mary Quinlan advises3013x17USA
1935Kathleen Mary Quinlan’s treatment for dry and sensitive skin14x10USASimilar to 1930 but with routine updated.
1938Your eyes6x10USAThree-panel vertical fold out.
1939Guard your daughter’s natural beautyUSAMentioned in American Perfumer.

Kathryn Murray

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1917Facial beauty cultureUSA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1938La boue au service de la beautéFRA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1928Clever make-up—nine-tenths of beautyUSAMentioned in Motion Picture.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1927La beaute cest toute la femmeLa beauté c’est toute la femme7415x22FRA
1930Eternal beautyUSAMentioned in Photoplay.
1930Guide de la  beauteGuide de la beauté1414x20FRA
1939La beaute cest toute la femmeLa beauté c’est toute la femme4215x22FRA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
19311931 Koremlu Cream MethodThe Koremlu cream method1610x13USA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1927Beauty and health3216x23USA
1934Captivating loveliness3213x20USAAlso 1931.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1930Fascinating eyes and how to have themUSAThree-panel fold out. Went through a number of iterations.
1936Make-up color guideMake-up color guide8x16USADouble sided card.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1959Beauté2414x21FRAAccompanied by letter dated October, 1959.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1916The beauty box127x13USA

Lady Esther

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1935Make-up revolutionized2015x23USAIncluded samples of six shades of rouge.
1937Rouge guideUSA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1950Le traitement de beauté
1963A beauty treatment which stops the march of time7x14UKFive-panel fold out.
1963A few facts about Lancaster tissue serums27x11UKProbably included with a product.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1939The cult of beauty UKMentioned in British Vogue.

Lehn & Fink

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1959Introducing young lookIntroducing young look4 20x25USA
1965Face facts or How to be a honey1212x17USATussy.
1967The Tussy real girl workbook1611x14USATussy.

L. Leichner

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1891Parfumerie LeichnerGER
1903Leichner albumGER
1913Nature’s Beauty HelperUSAMentioned in Vogue.
1926Leichner artists catalogueLeichner artists catalogue32UK
1928Bade Dich schlankBade Dich schlank810x14GER
1928Every woman beautiful UK1st Edition.
Mentioned in The Tatler.
1931Every woman beautifulEvery woman beautiful2413x18UK2nd Edition.
1932The Leichner cosmetic systemThe Leichner cosmetic system13x18UKTwo-panel fold out.
1934Every woman beautifulEvery woman beautiful2413x18UK3rd Edition.
1935Leichner guide for perfect make-upBeauty: Leichner guide for perfect make-up10x18UKFive-panel fold-out. Mentioned in the Daily Mirror.
1937Beauty: Leichner guide for perfect make-up1010x19UKDifferent text and some shade variations to c.1935 version.
1938Handbook on Make-upHandbook on make-up for stage and screen.1614x22UK
1949Fine cosmetics for discerning womenFine cosmetics for discerning women1019x10UKPamphlet, booklet and two 1949 price lists.
1957Easy steps to flawless beautyEasy steps to flawless beauty1212x18UKIncludes undated price list.
1960The art of make-upThe art of make-up413x22UKIncludes 1960 price list.
1961A new approach to beauty811x18UKMentioned in the Sunday Mirror.
1963Price listUK
1963Make-up for cine & still photography413x22UK
1967Leichner studio notesUK
1979Leichner stage make upLeichner stage make up5615x21AUS6th Edition.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1935The silent messengerUSA
1936Legends of LenthericUSA
1962For christmas810x20USAFold out showing gift sets.


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1928A French facial in a home treatmentUSATranslated from French.
1929Cosmetique LesquendieuUSATranslated from French.
1937Code de BeauteCode de beauté3810x15FRA
1945Lesquendieu ParfumerieFRA

L T. Piver

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1900Parfumerie L. T. PiverParfumerie L. T. Piver6050x39FRACommercial catalogue.
Available at the Forney Library.
1926Three centuries of beauty secretsUSAAlso 1924.
1935The new way to immaculate make-up8x10UKThree-panel fold out.

Lucille Young

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1920Stepping stones to beauty USAMentioned in Motion Picture.
1923Making beauty yours USAMentioned in Motion Picture.
1928How to fascinate men USAMentioned in Motion Picture.

Lucretia Vanderbilt

DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1929The way of loveliness2010x13USA
1929The aristocrats of toiletries85x7USA


DateEstTitlePages SizeOrigin Comments
1930Beauty is native but must be enhancedUSA
1930Now you can blend face powderNow you can blend face powder to match your individual complexion33x14USAEnclosed with the Luxor Powder Blending Kit.

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Last Update: 4th January 2025