Stories from the history and science of cosmetics, skin-care and early Beauty Culture.

Recent Stories

Liquid Lipsticks and Sealers


In 1938, Princess Pat introduced a new liquid lip make-up called Liquid Liptone. It was advertised as a liquid lipstick even though the idea of a liquid lipSTICK does not really make sense.

Gala of London


Gala of London started out as a lipstick for the British version of Outdoor Girl, a cosmetic range established in America in 1928.



Glazo started out as a liquid nail polish but evolved into a complete manicure range. Its creation is sometimes incorrectly credited to Edna Grace Albert who is better known for Odorono, an antiperspirant invented by her father.

Dubarry et Cie


Not to be confused with the Du Barry range from Richard Hudnut, this British company began operations in Hove, England in 1916.



The Institut de Beauté Klytia was founded by Marie Valentin Le Brun at 26 Place Vendôme, Paris.

Klytia (1930-1945)


After Marie-Elise Valentin Le Brun died in 1930, her place was taken by her daughter, Henriette Valentin Font.

Klytia (post 1945)


As the decades progressed Klytia got deeper into trouble. Like other old established brands it had difficulty in attracting new, younger clients.


New Booklets

Helena Rubinstein: Beauty for You (c.1946)

Major Updates

Nail Polishes/Enamels

Updated: 29th February 2024


Updated: 27th February 2024

Helena Rubinstein

Updated: 17th April 2023

Acid Creams

Updated: 3rd March 2023

Muscle Oils

Updated: 28th February 2023



Books, journals, websites and other sources that I use.


I am based in Perth, Western Australia. You can contact me by Email or use Twitter/X for notifications of new stories and updates to the Booklets Project.

I am always happy to hear from others interested in this area. Thanks to everyone who has already been in touch.